It’s the friday part of the week and that means FUN!

So LAST Friday was First Friday in Salinas (where I live & work). And so at my office (The Cartoonery) where my door is always open for FF,  Squidfan Squidman brought to me… JAM! Oh… and it’s blueberry jam! Oh the joy! Harold was perty excited about it, too! So along with, came some Cashew Butter. Mmmmm. Thanks, Squidman!



So I tossed in a photo of said butty-making ingredients along with one other… Romney’s Chocolate Covered Kendal Mint Cakes (whew! that’s a long title)… it’s something I discovered whilst I was in London last. It’s more minty than those Yorkie discs…. and more tastey, too! … just thought I’d share in case you ever came across them… try it! You won’t be sorry!

Soooo…. I’m finally adding more characters to the Squid Gang page… I got waylaid somehow… here’s one I’m workin’ on…

Soundtrack for today:

Starry-Eyed Surprise: Oakenfold

Velvet Pants: Propellerheads

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix Soundrack

Mushroom Jazz 1: DJ Mark Farina

Edumacational Video for this week:

Get the lowdown on why they call it the UK and who’s in it! The mystery is solved!

Okay, People…. you enjoy your friday! You’ve earned it, right?