Pile Up
Some days are just like that… one crazy thing happens and then the whole rest of the day is like a 50-car pile-up. Full moons do this.
Some days are just like that… one crazy thing happens and then the whole rest of the day is like a 50-car pile-up. Full moons do this.
eh, that’s just an artifact of memory. Whenever someone sit down wiht something purported to be related to the full moon, and counts up incidents, it turns out that there is no correlation.
Hope everyone likes cold coffee!
@Dada: I was thinking the same thing. Also, people can be really picky about when they drink their coffee. If it’s too late, they might not want it, hot or not.
so the putative gnome curse is following her. randie had better not take any chances. she shouldn’t buy a sundial (it has a gnomon), she shouldn’t use the gnome system on a computer, she shouldn’t discuss the names of things (nomenclature), and of course she should stay far away from nome alaska. any other dangerous things?
anatman: Gnome matter what Randie tries, she can’t escape the little bearded guys. They will find her.
Mary… I dunno… my bro, who is a firefighter, says that full moons seem to be trouble.
Dada… Unless they are delivered with ice cubes, they are cold coffee and, therefore, undrinkable.
Pete… it’s a sad thing when coffee is refused. Needless waste. Sigh.
anatman… I think you’ve covered them all (good going!)
EofO… wha-wha… and yes, she is doomed.
Just like programming – it’s feast or famine…..