Nasty wallpaper, flies, and a sour feeling in Randie’s stomach says this is a bad idea…

When I was a kid I had this book that I loved about a couple of siblings who are befriended by a witch. So these kids go off to camp and, for some reason, they get dumped on with all the worst possible circumstances… but the witch takes care of things. For instance, the little girl goes horseback riding and is given an old geriatric horse to ride. But with the witches wand, it’s turned into a brilliant stallion, which beats all the other kids’ ordinary horses.

But the total best is when the kids go camping and get stuck with tent number 13, which is all saggy and beat up. However, when they enter, the inside is huge and filled with games and neat things the kids like… (thanks to witchy-pal).

Randie’s got tent number 13…