Cope Copy
I have always hated the word “cope.” It meant suffering through something. It isn’t a happy word, by any means… but it is necessary at times. Ryan realizes that somethings are just inescapable… and that you simply must find ways to deal with them. Good advice, Rye Bread.
When our boys were younger they would complain when given a chore to do. (Hey, what kid doesn’t?) I would tell him, “Look you can do this by Law or Gospel. Do it while grumbling because you HAVE to (Law), or do it cheerfully, knowing you’re helping the family (Gospel). You can choose which attitude you want to take, but you’re still doing the chore.” I’d then ask him to tell me which way he was going to choose. Most of the time he chose to do it cheerfully, though on occasion he admitted to doing it grudgingly. Over the years, each boy learned the advantages of doing something cheerfully.
That’s coping.
I acknowledge Ryan’s good advice, but at the same time, he hasn’t met the giant that is Max’s ego. Can egos be exorcised? If so, I recommend a priest STAT :)!
Smuggle a certain cat in his room late at night, end of story. ^^
Pete, I really like your philosophy. Mind if I borrow it? I could use an attitude adjustment sometimes.
Agreed! Pete, that is a great way to adjust the thinking process of how to accept a situation. You are a wise owl, sir!
Oh, and you’ll have to keep reading, Cemalidor… Twinkie is a force to be reckoned with!
Exorcism… by some other means might just be in the works… again, keep reading.
Pete, that is an excellent summation!
I had to go through something similar myself at work (because I detest pushing shopping carts around on the odd occasions when I’m told to do it). Long story short: went from complaining about it, to “mental kick up the backside”, to just getting on with it. And I also had the decency to apologise to the people who had to endure my whining 🙂
Are we calling in the Enid again? That girl should have her own emergency hotline.
She could always tase him. Of course, that’s my answer for everything. Why cope when you can attack?