Cheap Interim
In San Francisco, a rented space without a kitchen isn’t unheard of. A pal from college lived in a converted downstairs “apartment” in the Sunset that had the same predicament. The bathroom served as the kitchen with kitchen equipment above the toilet. It was cramped… but it worked. So it is for our gal, Randie.
After doing anime and scifi lit conventions for so many years – AND having kids along whom I’m legally compelled to feed – we’ve learned all about making our hotel room bathroom the kitchen. With a sink, counter top, coffee maker and the right spices, it’s amazing the different foods you can prepare. Some of them even approach having nutrition!
There are cookbooks out there for just this genre of cuisine. On, for instance, Randie could find “Cooking Without A Kitchen” by Peter Mazonson. Of course, in some ways, this kind of guerrilla cooking requires more skill than average. And above average cooking is something I’m not quite prepared to credit to Randie. *hehe*
Combining the place the food is prepared with where it ultimately goes. Now that’s efficient! Sure cuts down on your walking.
My dorm has a kitchen, but it is on the first floor. And I am way too lazy to go downstairs to cook, so I just settle for stuff that I can make in my room. For example, to make ramen, I put the ramen in a container with a lid, heat up water with my coffee pot and just put hot water into the container, put on the lid and let it sit for a few minutes. Tada! Ramen! It is amazing what you can come up with when you are bored/lazy.
guerrilla cooking! I likes that! Give me a microwave and a can opener, and my kitchen is complete.
We can also such space in Paris too.