WestEnd Wrap
Well, West End 2012 is in the bag… and it was fun! Thanks to all you Squiddies who made it out to see the Squid Gang! It’s always fun to see new and old faces… meet and hug folks… and find new Squid Fans and meet seasoned readers! It was somewhat of an effort to keep Harold away from the boozer booth (wine and drink-ee poos). But, he kept it under control. Here are some photos (from my camera & stick-figurer’s) of the fun times we had!
Ah, so much funness was to be had at the West End Celebration. Nice to see it live on in these pics. Yup, those were some massively huge red velvet birthday cupcakes…free too. Hmm, that shirt of mine is normally orange. Suska’s chemo-chronicals (cancer) artwork was impressive but she, herself, was truly inspirational. That blonde cartoonist neighbor (next booth over) was pretty lively, as were her anatomically-exaggerated drawings for sale. I still love the car covered in squirrels inside and out, and nuts on it’s dash and rear deck. Not sure what Randie would have done if she saw it, luckily Harold escaped alive.
Not seen: security dragging out Bridgett after she went on a super-caffeinated blitz.
She’s not the first celebrity to be checked into the Betty Ford Clinic for Coffee Addiction!
Stick… Fun-ness indeed! It was a lovely West End. Happy to be a part of it! And it was great seeing some of my ol’ Sand City pals… and Squiddies, too! Thanks for the dropper-bys.
Dada… Ha! I was more sugar-highed than caffeinated this time around! Imagine that!