Weekend Update…
The Wow Weekend That Was…
It’s Monday after Big Wow Comic Fest… and I’ve just finished loading the photos from my trip to iPhoto, tallying up all the sales and recording them and just generally getting back to non-convention mode. Harold crashed from his sugar high… and slept in this morning… poor thing. These conventions really take a lot out of him.
My feelings on this particular show are mixed. Although it has “Comic Fest” in the title… it is more of a Pop Culture Fest and Cosplay event. There was lots of Doc Who and Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) was offering himself up for monetized photo opportunities. This particular show had a lot of T&A involved and I had to cover Harold’s eye quite a bit. Whether it was the artwork (comic book scantily clads), the exhibitor badge (more of the same), or the costumed peoples, it was certainly an event for “exhibition.” This was my overall feeling of the show… but my experience may be different from someone else’s … this goes without saying. And as a note of interest, Big Wow has been assimilated into the umbrella of the brand new Silicon Valley Comic Con… something to rival Sandy Eggo. It was “the news” this weekend.
AND… I absolutely enjoyed my tabling and my table mates! Betsy Streeter (awesome Youth Sci-Fi novelist) and her daughter, FUN Jen, are a hoot! We laughed uncontrollably, scarfed Psycho Donuts, and had a rather fun time… at our FUN booth. Harold really enjoys these conventions and he won’t stop talking about all the silliness. I have photo documented some of the fun for you… (and included some photos from my walk about in Downtown San Jose).
- San Jose Convention Center
- Harold gets comfy at the hotel
- Harold isn’t helping much
- Betsy Streeter and Fun Jen
- Harold and the lame exhibitor badge
- David… the “chairman”
- FUN booth!
- WHICH one?
- Oreo wins
- Steampunkers
- Kim and Harold
- sipping joe downtown
- Sunday morning blues
- Aweee… good hugs
- At the Hall of Justice
- giggly hugs
- convention doodling
- Downtown
- “The C3P0 building”
- reflectioning
- old in the new
- more downtown
- Jen bought some buttons
- Spock at our table
- Betsy’s books