This Weekend’s Fun…

Tim, fisherman’s wharf knower of fishy things… and leader of tours relating to said fishy things… oops, he blinked.
This past weekend, I boothed it at Monterey’s Fisherman’s Wharf and Custom House for The Art of the Sea Fest. The sun was shining all day, which was somewhat surprising… and I enjoyed talking with booth visitors and tourists and fellow artists and fans. Here’s some photo documentation of said event… (“people shots” courtesy stick-fig).
Nice zoom feature on the “people shots.” Those in the group shot are also known as: stick-figurer, brig, Squid Man, Walter H, and Harold.
The craft fair’s funness factor was more so because of the Squid tent.
Curious thing was that there was an Air Show going on in, somewhat nearby, Salinas, but the Thunderbird acrobatic jets (F-16s) needed more runway space than the airport there offered so they kept flying into Monterey, circling above Fisherman’s Wharf and the craft fair, and then making their runway approaches to land and likely fuel up at its airport. If you have not come across high-performance acrobatic jets, they’re loud. I feel most for the folks at the Monterey Jazz Festival that was also going on over the weekend, however. The fairgrounds it took place at are next to Monterey’s airport and directly in the plane’s flight path.