say hello to my little friend…
It’s Harold!

Randie's little buddy
Harold is the stuffed thing Randie carries about. When I first thought of the storyline involving “property of Harold,” I needed a stuffed toy to base it on… y’know, to make it easier to draw. (If you haven’t read that far back visit webcomicsnation in the archive). Anyhow, I’d had a floppy bunny given to me at Easter… a sweet chenile rabbit with weighted feet and long ears… he became my model. And so he lives at my office.
The other day, I was looking at him thinking “this little bunny should BE Harold…” Enter Judy and her sewing kit. I asked her to make the rabbit into Harold. And so she set out to removing the ears, adding the black stitching and attaching the button eye and tag which reads, of course, “Property of Harold.”

Harold's bum