Look! It’s The Cat in the Hat! Imagine that! but it’s a Beginner Book Dictionary in French! AND IT’S AWESOME! Ahem, C’est tres magnifique. Now I can say “Je mange huit oeufs. Il a mange onz oeufs.” (I eat 8 eggs. He ate eleven eggs…. je suis malade! … I think that means “I am sick”).

This is just before the book’s forward:

This book is based on the original Beginner Book Dictionary and was adapted into Beginners’ French by ODETTE FILLOUX of the Department of Linguistics University of California at San Diego.

Dr. Seuss (Theo), lived in La Jolla (not far from UCSD)… and so, he musta knew Odette… so I’m thinking. I don’t know why this interests me so much, except that I lived in San Diego for a number of years and used to go to La Jolla for giggles. The Hard Rock Cafe was there, and for a bored teenager, this was fun.

So I have my friend (and former French teacher), Shawn to thank for this lovely new book acquisition. She gave me this as well as a whole box of comic books in French… Lucky Luke, Tin Tin, and Asterix… tres cool!

So I already have a whole bunch of Squids written with this Dictionary as my muse. Randie, of course, finds this book at…. well, stay tooned, squidlings.