It’s been a while since we’ve had a Master of Art ghosting. Enter Lautrec. And actually, he really did think that portrait painting was superior and the quotes in panel two are his. And he really did drink Absinthe (to excess) and carried a vile in his walking stick. Eccentric artists. If I carried a walking stick, I would, too.
Do they make hollow brush handles? Lined with plastic and a cap?
“I paint zee portrait, but first… hic”
Poor Randie. Hassled by gnomes and heckled by dead artists! :OP
a vial in his walking stick? what a barbarian! everyone knows that drinking absinthe without the absinthe glass and absinthe spoon and sugar cube and water makes the green fairy cry!
Nobody needs a dead person harping at them like that, but if it happens, it’s better with absinthe…
(Puts on the mandatory dark glasses)
…Because absinthe makes the harp profounder.
And what will Randie think when Dali shows up? 😛
The Auld Grump, she can use some surreal in her diet….
“No-time Toulouse. The story of the wild and lawless days of the post-Impressionists.”
I thought he would be shorter…like, much, much shorter!
Are you sure it isn’t Randi who has been into the absinthe? Her imagination seems to be a bit, ah, overactive.
Squiddies… Ha ha… Toulouse is the latest Art Master Ghost to haunt our art hero. And he is credited with creating a particular cocktail: Tremblement de Terre or “Earthquake” … equal parts absinthe and cognac… I imagine Mr. Lautrec spent many a day trying to sleep it off.
joe… hic-hic-hic…. thump!
joseph…. she’s haunted for sure!
anatman… and nobody wants to see the Green Fairy cry!
A. Rat… vous said it!
Grump… oh Dali will be a most amusing haunting! He was a nut!
Dada… if you look, he’s standing well away from her… he IS pretty short. Apparently, he was used to this sort of conversation. Thus the drinking.
M. Lonie… who can say really? But it is her job to have an overactive imagination… look at Dali!