… and the busiest!

some local neighborhood cheer

I realize, dear friends and Squiddies… that I have not posted a Friday blog entry in a while. Let me apologize and explain.

As you know, it’s Christmas time… the most whack-a-doodle time of the year. Where activities and shopping… and merry-making and working all have to exist in the same time period. I have had some exciting developments occur in the last few weeks and a few that are about to happen.

Firstly, Squid Row is part of a new weekly comics situation called The Funnies Extra. It is a newspaper of sorts for comic strips that will be available in areas of waiting, lounging and places that appreciate a good laugh. So you may find this in a coffee shop or doctors office near you! It could also be an insert to your weekly what’s happening guide. ALSO! The delightfully cheerful publication is also a business opportunity for those who are looking for some income! You, YES YOU, can bring the Funnies Extra to your very own neighborhood and earn monies at the same time. For details head to: Funnies Extra Facebook Site

Okay, so alongside this lovely venture, has been some caroling and  some Christmas Card Coaching with kids… toss in a book signing and a few holiday parties… and whew! But I’m sure YOUR calendar is just as busy.

NOW… for the other thing… Harold and I (and the minions) are going to The Big Island of Hawaii after Christmas. Harold has a lovely Hawaiian shirt and hat that his personal tailor has fabricated for him… and we’ll be ringing in the New Year there. So whenever there’s a vacation, there’s extra work to do ahead of time… ie… TOONS! So I am working my computer and hand like mad trying to get the toons done so I can bask away in the tropical sunshine.

My endeavors in Hawaii, I’ll save for another blog post. This one’s pretty wordy already. Oh and no First Friday in January, folks. I sorry. We’ll catch up in February!