Squiddies All! 

colorAlready the new year has started off on a different road… a new path… a change of scenery. Sometimes change happens without you knowing it. Imagine my surprise to read in Sunday’s local paper that they will no longer be running my comic strip. Wow.

Do you remember in the 80’s version of Clash of the Titans where Zeus picks up Perseus from his happy home, and deposits him in an arena… that’s the way I felt that morning. Boom! What is going on? Where am I?

Well, just like Perseus, I didn’t sit around scratching my head for too long. I jumped into action. 2014, sans my local paper, is going to be AWESOME!

Here’s an advance look into this stunning new year…

  • A new book is in the works. It is a compilation from 2012-2013. The sorting has begun. If you have a favorite storyline, email that to me. I wanna know what fans wanna see in print.
  • There will be a bit of a change in focus to the comic strip here. By no means will Squid Row be going away! No! But there will be some interesting changes. This road is still very unfamiliar to me… and I am not certain where things will go… but Squid is a part of me… and amputating an appendage like this comic strip would be damaging to my health.
  • Graphic Novel idea! … I have loved graphic novels and want to dive in. You can expect to see some teasers along the way.

Don’t expect the changes to be felt in the comic strip right away. I am two months out on toons. This gives me some time to, explore, tweak, and remodel.

It’s an exciting time. I believe everything happens for a reason. I expect that God has got some exciting plans already put into motion. My roadway isn’t clear; I can hardly see a path through all the foil-age, but challenge is exciting and there’s gatta be a machete around her somewheres.

Thanks for your ongoing support!