I’m not sure why I’ve done so many “ice cream” toons lately. I prefer frozen yogurt, myself. It does seem to be a tonic though, don’t it?
I’m not sure why I’ve done so many “ice cream” toons lately. I prefer frozen yogurt, myself. It does seem to be a tonic though, don’t it?
Hmm… Anyone else see the resemblance between Beebs and Grace? Is Grace the “evil twin”? (If it helps for the comparison, look at the “The Gang” page.)
Inquiring minds (with too much time available to them) want to know!
There are not many thingsone can’t solve with some ice cream.
I remember those one episode form STNG, when Q lost his powers and was forced into a human body. :XDD Data said soemthing along the lines that when the Counsellor (Troi) got depressed she would order an Icecream. So Q was ‘Ill take ten’ Data:’Ten?’ Q:’Yes, i’m very depressed’ :XDDD
If you have a Marble Slab near you, and you’ve never been, check them out. Pricey, but amazingly good ice cream…
Speaking of ice cream, here’s my report on the various ice creams my wife has made in the past couple weeks:
Milk Chocolate & Guinness: Wow…. just… wow. It’s chocolate ice cream, smooth and rich. But then you get this underlying taste that almost hides from you. Guinness Stout! How come it blends so wonderfully with chocolate? Who cares?? Gimme more!
Vanilla: This batch was made with actual vanilla beans and the difference from extract – pure or otherwise – was incredible! If you make ice cream, you owe it to yourself to buy a pod or two of vanilla beans and use ’em. Yummy!
Strawberry: Fresh, sweet strawberries were the only flavor that went into this batch and it was straw berry fields forever!
Apple & Caramel in Cinnamon Ice Cream: Even admitting this stuff exists isn’t fair to all of you who can’t have some. We’re saving this one and some others for our church picnic in three weeks, so we only took off a small spoonful to sample. *shudder* The rating for ice-cream tasting just when to PG-13.
More flavors coming, including Coffee!
Pete, you (or your wife, of course) should be posting these recipes on a web site somewhere (with pictures!) – assuming, that is, you’re not doing that already… 🙂
WHoa ho!
Pete… those ice cream flavors sound WONDERFUL!!! As one who loves vanilla, caramel and cinnamon, I am having to mop up my workspace from all the drool. And it’s only 9:30 am… not exactly “ice cream hour.”
Cemalidor: Yes! I just saw that episode the other day! The tragedy is when Q says (after orderin’ all that ice cream) that he lost his appetite.
William: We have Cold Stone Creameries here in California… maybe similar?
Astragali… Yes, Grace and Beebs are becoming more and more alike… (hmmm, could there be a story in there somewhere? Ahem… ) I will say this, when I kicked off both characters (Beebs came first), I had no intention of their similarly-likeness-ness. Stay tooned….
Brig: In an earlier post on your comic, I seem to recall that William said that Cold Stone wasn’t as good as Marble Slab… The latter’s website states (if you’re interested) that there are CA locations in Anaheim, Camarillo, Corona (two of ’em), El Centro, Fresno (another with two), Marina del Rey, Oxnard, Redwood City, Ventura and Woodland Hills – clicking here will provide you with the location 🙂 Hope that helps!
As for Grace and Beebs’… I shall stay tuned – but I note that readers never see them together in the same place… *dan dan DAAAAAAAAAAAN* 😉
Yeah, I tried Cold Stone (they teamed up with Tim Hortons up in Canada, so they’re expanding). Not the same stuff, though the preparation method is similar.
I do remember the mention, Astragali… but could not remember specifics. I thought I’d be lazy and just ask for clarification…