Van Gogh
Notice anything different?
Yes, color… and what better way to usher in the era of color than with a master of color Van Gogh…?
I have always been drawn to Van Gogh (no pun intended)… perhaps by his amazing colors and his thick, choppy strokes. His work is of a cartooney nature, to be sure, and he remains a favorite painter of mine.
So Happy Birthday, Vincent!
So you’re going permanently into coloured strips now, Brig? Congrats!
Mind you, I was envious of your B&W stuff before – and now I’m just plain jealous at your beautiful colouring!
P.S. Isn’t it funny that the spell-checker for the comments highlights words that are correctly spelled? (correctly spelled in British English, that is…
colors everyday ? madness !!! ;p
this is pretty cool, but i never minded black and white, although i have to admit i was always waiting for the beautiful colored strip ~~
Very, VERY cool. Congrats, Brig! Did you pick this day specifically to go color? It sure looks like it!
Looks good! Now we’ll expect some nice painterly effects!
Oh… you say such nice things… thank you…
AND YES… color from now on… I have made it so! … and yes, I picked today to start especial-like due to the Van Gogh-ness of the day. If you noticed, the first two panels have the not-so kick out colors of Van Gogh’s earlier work… and the last panel resembles his post-Paris work… with bright and exciting colors!
SWEEEEET! Color makes the images pop.
Le gasp! All colour all the time? Sweet!
The last panel looks so lovely, you really did such a great job.
Happy Birthday Vinny :)!
It’s not that surprising. Most English language spell check programs are US written.
It’s my understanding that Van Gough shared mental illness and/or depression issues with a number of my favorite artists and writers, including Dali, Poe, Twain, Lewis Carroll, etc. Birds of a feather, I guess. Although I’ve never thought of myself as depressed, I could probably do with a bit of therapy…
Ach! I meant “Van Gogh”! My spellchecker approved it, too!
I think all artists have some sort of neurosis… it’s what makes us interesting… right, Randie?
If you like, Mark, I think you can switch the spell-check to UK English in most browsers. Certainly in Firefox, anyway.