Twinkie Boxing
Give a cat a box and he’ll play for hours. Give a cat a box and a foil ball and you may just see your cat play until he explodes.
Give a cat a box and he’ll play for hours. Give a cat a box and a foil ball and you may just see your cat play until he explodes.
No good-deed oathing for Twinkles.
oy, exactly like a cat…buy them a 5 dollar toy and they play with the box…or heaven forbid…buy a scratching post and watch them use your super extra awesome second hand store find the once beautiful (but no longer) oriental rug instead.
Not that I speak from experience…lol. nope…my evil fur-babies didn’t do that to me….nope…..
why spend alot of money when you can give them a box or shopping bag and they are happy for hours.
Nice, Twinkie doing an Air Jordan, as in how Michael Jordan used to always stick his tongue out while leaping through the air.
PUT a cat in a box and he’ll have hours of fun playing… on the long trip to McMurdo Station in the Antarctic. Oh! And don’t forget to include Twinkie-sized little booties and a GPS collar so little wookums doesn’t get lost in a Level 3 blizzard.