Every try to hold an uncooperative cat in that position? If it worked at all, that fellow would be dripping red from many places. And with Twink? Unless he were paralyzed from hunger, he probably would be missing a finger or two…
Miriam… (hello and welcome!) I love that! I wrote it in my sketchbook. I’m going to Amsterdam in January … um, I don’t know if I can use it in regular conversation, but It’s good to know SOMETHING in the language of the place you are visiting. HAND ZEEP!
Rich… Yes, upon second look, panel one should have has some sleeve shredding going on!
Jack… Today I am not at all thrilled with cat-dome. Last night my cat brought in TWO live mice. We went chasing after TWO very athletic rodents! She did not bring them in at the same time… she’s not THAT talented… but dang it! The across the back fence neighbors’ dumpy yard/residence is a literal playground for my cat, who likes to bring her pals into OUR house to play. We were successful at catching the little boogers…. we have gotten pretty good at this. Sigh.
Interesting subject thread. A neighbor moved, and she had 2 semi feral kitties, the new people were suppose to feed them but didn’t and they’ve been half a mile down at our place, (only 2 doors away!) I started feeding them a few days ago and got some canned cat food and finally have seen both now.
These Kitties don”t bring me live rodents, they’re worth their weight daily in excess rodent removal. A can of Organic cat food every other day and a cup of dry food is CHEAP!
There are a couple of phrases in English related to “a cat in a bag” – “buying a pig in a poke” and “letting the cat out of the bag.” They all refer to the (supposed) scam of selng a cat ted in a sack (poke) as a suckling pig; the scam is exposed if the bag is opened letting the cat out.
I’m sure Twinkie could claw his way out of a rice bag, but it would take time. Evidently he won’t turn up on a platter flavored with ginger, anise and pepper, since those other cats survived to be seen again, but if he did I wouldn’t mourn him, though even Randie might shed a tear if she found out.
Robert… then why does SHE play with the darn things! She tries to sneak them in when we are in the living room where the cat door is. She bolts through and runs for the “Roman Collosseum” (the bathtub)…
C. Mage… um… you ain’t done this before…. right?
Scott… that’s good! AND they don’t bring them INTO your house… so definitely keep feeding’ them, yah?
Something new on the menu?
‘Buying a cat in the bag’ (een kat in de zak kopen), a Dutch expression for spending a lot of money on something worthless.
Every try to hold an uncooperative cat in that position? If it worked at all, that fellow would be dripping red from many places. And with Twink? Unless he were paralyzed from hunger, he probably would be missing a finger or two…
Bagged kitty. Poor Twink.
Robert … um, too hairy.
Miriam… (hello and welcome!) I love that! I wrote it in my sketchbook. I’m going to Amsterdam in January … um, I don’t know if I can use it in regular conversation, but It’s good to know SOMETHING in the language of the place you are visiting. HAND ZEEP!
Rich… Yes, upon second look, panel one should have has some sleeve shredding going on!
Jack… Today I am not at all thrilled with cat-dome. Last night my cat brought in TWO live mice. We went chasing after TWO very athletic rodents! She did not bring them in at the same time… she’s not THAT talented… but dang it! The across the back fence neighbors’ dumpy yard/residence is a literal playground for my cat, who likes to bring her pals into OUR house to play. We were successful at catching the little boogers…. we have gotten pretty good at this. Sigh.
Cats bring things to you because they *like* you. You’re the “alpha cat” to your cat.
He’s doing it all wrong. He forgot the rocks.
Interesting subject thread. A neighbor moved, and she had 2 semi feral kitties, the new people were suppose to feed them but didn’t and they’ve been half a mile down at our place, (only 2 doors away!) I started feeding them a few days ago and got some canned cat food and finally have seen both now.
These Kitties don”t bring me live rodents, they’re worth their weight daily in excess rodent removal. A can of Organic cat food every other day and a cup of dry food is CHEAP!
There are a couple of phrases in English related to “a cat in a bag” – “buying a pig in a poke” and “letting the cat out of the bag.” They all refer to the (supposed) scam of selng a cat ted in a sack (poke) as a suckling pig; the scam is exposed if the bag is opened letting the cat out.
“selng” is a typo for “selling”
I’m sure Twinkie could claw his way out of a rice bag, but it would take time. Evidently he won’t turn up on a platter flavored with ginger, anise and pepper, since those other cats survived to be seen again, but if he did I wouldn’t mourn him, though even Randie might shed a tear if she found out.
Let’s how the next day’s menu does NOT include Kitty chow mein!
Robert… then why does SHE play with the darn things! She tries to sneak them in when we are in the living room where the cat door is. She bolts through and runs for the “Roman Collosseum” (the bathtub)…
C. Mage… um… you ain’t done this before…. right?
Scott… that’s good! AND they don’t bring them INTO your house… so definitely keep feeding’ them, yah?
Beetles… I like the “letting the cat out of the bag” phrase. Here’s what Mental Floss had to say about it: http://mentalfloss.com/article/31180/whats-origin-let-cat-out-bag
Kirwar… Kitty Tempura… not on the menu! But anything with Ginger and Anise is okay in my book… except for pets.
DCS… Yikes! Chow Mein would be at the Chinese place next door. Who knows what they might offer… “Sweet and Sour kitty, Egg foo feline, Kung Pao Cat…
You mean, dealt with the offspring of Lucifer? No, I can’t say that I have…but I am prepared if I ever do.
Brig, thank you for the answer! I don’t know if you’re interested, but if you want to learn a bit Dutch for your trip to Amsterdam, I made a file earlier for someone from England to learn Dutch. Here’s the link: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/302/1/c/learning_dutch_by_mii_riam-d84lanw.pdf