Yah, at Back to School time… the art store I worked at, was a disaster zone. You had to assign someone to go through mid day and restock and straighten… and there were always extra “art-wise” workers on the floor to answer then inevitable question…. “what is a tortillion?”
I think this would just happen in a supermarket or a stationery store, not in an art store.
Personally, I think I just keep most of my stuff used last year ans I could be fine.
Well, Brig worked in an art store, I believe… so she’s one who speaks from authority…
Wal*Marts look like that pretty much all the time.
UWG…. and the local Michael’s here in town.
Yah, at Back to School time… the art store I worked at, was a disaster zone. You had to assign someone to go through mid day and restock and straighten… and there were always extra “art-wise” workers on the floor to answer then inevitable question…. “what is a tortillion?”