Tiki Job
Randie should just apply, herself. Although, juggling The Artbox and coffee delivery, and a tiki bar might just be too much. Besides, Marina Beach is a goodly bus ride away.
Randie should just apply, herself. Although, juggling The Artbox and coffee delivery, and a tiki bar might just be too much. Besides, Marina Beach is a goodly bus ride away.
Whaaa? It’s all about Randie, once again? The weekend nightmare sequence involved Ryan but was centered on Randie. Ryan’s switching jobs brings Randie a new hang-out with daily rides to and fro. Ryan’s boss will love his girl friend coming along as a daily part of the package for freebie coffee and chow. Well, she will have painted the inside, but she will have got paid for it. And Rye may be working there but he’ll be getting paid for his service.
Hmm. Randie imagines appeasing Spill’s big ugly tiki and gets a swanky second home at which to hang out with Ryan. Newton’s third law of motion? “For every action, there is an equal and oppositie re-action.” Kind of like most of America getting a really warm winter this year while Europe suffers through a dramatically cold one. Randie wins, Ryan works.
Speeking of Ryan. Saw Bruce Springsteen perform at the beginning of the Grammy award’s show last night. He’s got the same little triangular patch of hair below his lower lip as Ryan. Okay, he’s more hulky than Rye, has short hair on his noggin, wears an earring on each ear and plays a guitar. So not the same…but does spout a little triangle below his lip.
I think that Randie has come far enough along that she’s not ALWAYS seeing to her needs first. Unfortunately, she’s so used to the old way that even when she truly is watching out for someone else – Ryan and his not-so-hot job at Calamari Kitchen – that she SOUNDS like she’s still self-centered.
She’s getting better! 😀
Hmmm… I think Randie is excited by the prospect of Ryan working at what she considers a hip, cool, and outright fun place (as opposed to a high end, super expensive place or a fish-n-chip dive). If it’s a super fun institution, why shouldn’t she hang out there? It IS a car ride though.
I agree, Pete… Randie has come a long way. I believe that’s what happens when you learn things from a relationship. Yes, she was leaning on Ryan a great deal… but by his example, she’s learning to give, to think of others first… and to maybe be less wacka-doo in pressing situations.
Maybe the Maka Koa dream was the real inspiration… she’d not thought of Ryan working at Lava Luna’s until that dream… sometimes we are prodded into doing things… where we go with that inspiration is up to us.
I love how she makes the motion, in panel two, of sweeping him away, just like some unwanted crumbs or fur balls on the otherwise tidy (?) floor that is her life.
Hey, where’s Twinks been hiding?
Perhaps Maka Koa has scared Twinky away… for a while.
stick… I think Beetles is on the right track.