I get a bit annoyed with the know-it-all set. I smile, nod, and run… which is what Randie really ought to have done here.
I get a bit annoyed with the know-it-all set. I smile, nod, and run… which is what Randie really ought to have done here.
Sturgeon are threatened because to get at their crazy-valuable eggs (caviar) they’ve got to be sliced open, and then, in recent cases up here in Sacramento, their bodies are tossed away.
Leif isn’t coming off as a know it all, just an informed preservationist.
I’ll bet Randie will cave and ante up. So what’s t-fap stand for?
T-FAP = Threatened Fish Awareness Program
He’s not TOO all know-y in today’s comic, but he’s far more pushy than I like. By saying, “So how much can I put you down for?” an in-your-face donor collector can look for a “Nothing” answer from me. Those people really bug me. They turn a free will offering into a guilt offering, and that’s not why I give to charities, drives and organization.
Like a Sturgeon. Gettin’ donations for the very first time. Like a Stu-uuuur-urrr-geon, feel his scales, next to mine.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
@Jack of Gulls;
{spit take} LOL, well played, sir! I’ve been listening to a Wierd Al Yankovic comendium, and it has “Like a Surgeon”.
Wow, the guy is raising survival funds for endangered fish instead of candy for himself.
Pete… A sale has a window of only a minute or two and then is gone. Fishboy is on a mission asking for money to help a good cause, not himself. Randie goes on missions with her barbarian protector-girl fantasies or her cat scram-bler tirades, only he’s being constructive. Hey, he’s not with PETA and painted green on his nekked self. Hmm, wonder were he keeps his donations. His caviar egg sac?
Ha ha! Like a Sturgeon… Ha!
Stick… yes, he is doing a noble deed… but fishing for donations (rim shot) in a situation where candy is being offered is kinda… I don’t know…. crappy (rim shot)… I don’t have to tell you that Halloween candy isn’t cheap… to ask for a donation on top of what you’ve already put out on candy, to me, is kinda rude. Is it just me?
So I’m with you, Pete… put me down for a Tootsie-roll…. maybe a dum-dum.
Yah, DCS…. it’s feeling a bit like Weird Al time.
Ahh, Halloween, costumes and definitely Weird Al time. This goes back years, but I remember trick or treaters going around with little red…maybe orange…UNICEF boxes and hitting up houses for cash PLUS candy. It probably stopped cause too many munchkins kept the money and the candy for themselves. Nice racket. At least Leif is just signing up donations. Hey, who else would wear that fish costume? Rye the grumpy squid?
Stick… there is that… small change & dimes when a lot further then. Can you just see the scowl on Leif’s face if you gave him a dime donation? Did they still have penny candy back then? It’s hardly a penny anymore.
Oh, I have no problem with donations, nor asking for them. But to ASSUME that they’re going to give one, “So how much can I put you down for?” will never influence me in a positive way. I’m not saying it doesn’t work; just that it doesn’t work on me and in fact has the opposite effect.
Reminds me of all those emails that have some spiritual/patriotic/”this works” message on them that ends with, “If you believe this, you’ll send it to five people”. Uh-huh… yeah. *delete*
No no, it does look like I’m poo-pooing donations… and I am certainly not intending to do so. I guess my gripe is really with the cost of candy these days… “Back in my day…” (Dana Carvey’s grumpy ol’ man from SNL)… {you fill it in} ….”and you liked it!”
Anyone who thinks Leif is just being earnest and cute, and gawwwwwwwlyyy, his folks went to Berkeley so it’s okay for their kid to hijack an otherwise innocent moment to ear-thump an unsuspecting bystander should ask themselves how they would react if he were wearing a Bible costume.
Yeah…I thought so.
I agree about the cost of candy now a days….If I buy the ‘good’ candy that I as a kid would have loved to get, it costs about 20-30 bucks and you hope you have enough for all the kids. If you buy the bulk candy, its super cheap…but the kids give you that…”your only giving me 3 pieces??” look.
I live in a small town, but our development is one of the only ones for miles and miles around that is lots of houses close together and well lit, so we get kids from 3 different towns coming through our little neighborhood. I don’t even know these kids, see them once a year…some though, are my neighbors kids and I love to see them every year in their new costume. 🙂 Course living in a tiny town, if you do run out of candy…you can’t just run down to the supermarket…its closed after dark…no, you have to run to the mini mart and they only have full sized candy bars…so you pray to god you don’t run out…or your gonna end up shelling out 50 bucks for candy you don’t get to eat…plus I don’t have any kids so I can’t raid their candy bags when they get home. 🙁
and by the “your only giving me 3 pieces?” look…I mean, they see tiny bulk pieces of candy and they assume I should give a giant adult sized fistful of candy to each and every one of the hundreds of kids that show up….if I did that, it would be cheaper to buy the more expensive candy and only give them 1 piece….but rabblerabblerabble…when I was a kid… much more grateful…rabblerabble…. lol
Always give them what you want to give them, never let them reach and take what they want.
Ohhh, Lordy. The day is coming when kids wont be able to go up to doors on Halloween and just get the candy: they’ll have to put the e-mail addresses on a mailing list and get the candy in 3-to-5 business days.
Heather… yah… you know. Now that many candy makers are taking their operations to other countries to produce (for the lower wage workers), the price of candy SHOULD go down (but it won’t)… ahem, I draw your attention to York Peppermint Patties and many Hershey products. I doubt that many would boycott their companies… (I, myself, have switched to Jr. Mints… still made in the USA… in Cambridge)… but your money is your voice.
geeze, my soap box is big today!
Dada… 3-5? Harsh.
amen on that Stick! Them greedy kids want to get half their pillowcases full of candy at one house, and I’m like…little dudes, I don’t own a candy factory! And who started the pillow cases as a way of carrying candy around? Thats soooo rude! little plastic bag or little plastic pumpkin, when thats filled, thats *plenty* of candy for any child.