Stimulant by brig on January 3, 2012 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Enid is a tricksy like that. And she knows that Randie would never turn down a refill! └ Tags: coffee, enid, new years resolutions, randie, resolutions, stimulant, tricking
I can relate. I never make New Years resolutions, but I drink lots of coffee anyways.
Last year during Lent I resolved to give up New Year’s resolutions.
It’s worked out pretty good…
Is Randie using her day planning app? No resolutions mean no planning needs.
As far as Enid is concerned, however, seems like there’s no such thing as a free cup of coffee.
Enid is such a busybody.
Tricked? Hardly. You’ve seen through it.
Pressured, perhaps, or even coerced.
I resolve to drink more coffee. So what if I talk incessantly and then fall asleep mid-day; I’m happier that way.
Enid is a do-gooder and obsessively busy, usually with worthwhile projects & philanthropic activities. Randie wants to do more but is a lousy time manager. She could learn something from Enid.
I’m with you, kona… Drink more joe!