Steamy Duck
Okay, I don’t have a duck humidifier… but I wish I did (I just got a plain old humidifier) and… The humidifier and towel trick really works! Thanks Mom.
Okay, I don’t have a duck humidifier… but I wish I did (I just got a plain old humidifier) and… The humidifier and towel trick really works! Thanks Mom.
Now the duck makes sense!
Target has froggies and penguins for humidifers 
One thing which works surprisingly well for reducing cold symptoms: onion plus vinegar and lots of black pepper, microwaved. Inhale the vapors, and then eat the onion
I’ve been known to have it when I don’t have a cold, too 
We had a humidifier when I was little too! Except we never did the towel thing, it was across the room from me. Oops. All it did was make noise and make the air smell funny, at least the thought was there :)!
That duck is so cute! Make sure to put tissues under the towel with them, Ryan.
With Vicks and a duck you can cure all ills…
The onion trick sounds interesting. I’m not sure about the vinegar… but I don’t mind eating the onion! Thanks for the tip.
I am glad to see that there are cutesy humidifiers out there… I bow to Jude whose duckie was a good idea! Ducks make everything better! Quack!
Haha, I wish I had one of those duck humidifiers! As I type, I am getting over a cold AND I have chapped lips! xP
Ryan’s such a good friend. (:
Brig, I’m not sure the onion and black pepper would work by themselves. You’ve got to use the vinegar as well to get the vapors going…
I just love the pityfull eyes of that duck, by the way, best way to get rid of any cold is a hot rum. Im not joking! Just dont draw or/and drive after this “East European Tea”.
I’ve dunked into the warm brandy before… and it does seem to make you not care that you’re sick. Rum, I must say, I have developed an aversion to… it’s was my first drinking “overload” and it’s stuck with me. Can’t touch the stuff now.
But if you can’t stand rum, then your missing out on some of the best deserts of all time, like terimizu and rum raisin ice cream.