Retail…. soooo glamorous! And where is Boss lady Carol, one might ask? She never seems to be around when trouble comes along.
Retail…. soooo glamorous! And where is Boss lady Carol, one might ask? She never seems to be around when trouble comes along.
Which is a good thing, I thought. Seems those loose ends just get more frayed (along with everyone’s nerves) when she starts butting in, heh.
Boss Carol has this intuitive sense that tells her when she’s needed… and then she squishes that urge to help like a bug!
Carol isn’t the boss, she’s the owner. As with sports teams, the people in charge are the presidents or general managers, the owners are the ones who show up at big games and watch from their luxury sky boxes, and maybe come down to the field or locker room to congratulate their players after they win big games.
Mouse is the boss here. And as a captain, he’s obligated to go down with his ship.
Ugh, being a manager was the worst in those types of jobs. Oh boy! The credit card machine is down! I get to come in early to fix the problem! Whoo Hooo!
That’s a really good point, Stick. When things are messy, the owners tend to be able to separate themselves from everything. Poor Mouse… but I have confidence that he’ll figure something out.
ladykim… You’ve got it. Take the credit, pass the blame. Everyone’s expendable. That sort of stuff. As for Mouse, maybe he can call up a pizza delivery. Wonder if Lava Luna’s delivers, or the Kalamari Kitchen.
Any news on brig? She’s not been commenting as regular.
No muse can be good muse! Har, Har
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please bear with Brig’s absence. I have been informed that she and her family are dealing with the loss of her Grandmother.
The funeral was held Friday. Please add your condolenses to mine as we share her grief.
Thanks Joe.
Oh, ow. Sorry to hear of the loss, Brig. On the bright side, you’ve got all of us somewhat crazed yet duly faithful squiddies here for you. Maybe not an equal grandma trade-off, but a nice situation nonetheless.
Aw that always bites. Hang in there, Brig. Best you and yours.
Lava Lunas’ to go! I like that idea. Tiki drink to go would be great.
Thank you, Joe. The funeral was yesterday and it was both sad and lovely. If you have a moment, google St. Peter’s Church in Mansfield, OH.
Thank you, Squiddies…. thank you for your kind words. It’s been so good to see the family… under yucky circumstances… but good to see them.