To do lists are, like store meetings, totally necessary, and yet totally overwhelming… well, at least to me. To Do lists make me a bit… psychotic. I look at all the things that require my time and effort and the heartbeat quickens, I clam up and then I fall into “put off” mode. Alright, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit… but I hate to do lists.
Forget all that. B2S sales, inventory, to-do lists, organization… nonsense! Stuff and nonsense with no meaning. Let’s focus in on the True Purpose of this meeting:
One word: PRIORITIZE! All to-do lists can be ordered according to importance and sequence. Then concentrate not on the overwhelming number of things, but just the NEXT thing. ONE thing. Like it’s the ONLY thing on the list. You’d be surprised at how fast you can whittle that list down like that. At the end of the day, you might not have completed the whole thing, but you know you did your best, and nobody can ask more than that.
Kona: Never mind prioritising… I don’t want to be around Brig when there’s a to-do list in the vicinity!
Brig: Are you safe with shopping lists? (I suspect “yes” if there are goodies involved…) Oh, and I’m rather surprised you didn’t change the “Nutter Butter” name like you usually do with brand names… (I was going to say it on the relevant strip, but I’d commented a lot that day anyway, and kept forgetting in any case…)
Yah! Nutter Butters! (I can’t just stop at one, which is why they are never in the house!)
Yes, Astragali, I din’t “change up the Nutter Butter. I felt that the funny on this one would have been lost… Nutty Buddies might have been a good one, but I wasn’t sure if the jump was too far. I don’t suppose I would mind if they called me with a business proposition…
Kona: I can tell that you are someone who gets things done! I, on the other hand, have time management issues. Sigh… I have several books in my library on the very subject. Now if I could only apply the concepts listed therein!
Brig: A fair point you make there on the renaming issue 🙂
Hmm. Sprinkles… Nutter Butters… slowly, slowly, Brig’s preferences are coming out – we’ll amass details of a potential care package at this rate! With a “to-do” list: 1. EAT. 2. ENJOY. 😉
I get essential things done, but I’m also essentially lazy. I can be very creative about shortcuts and make-do. If necessity is the mother of invention, laziness is its illegitimate father.
I’ve always found to-do lists very helpful. As I cross off each item after accomplishing it, I feel a sense of accomplishment, and I can watch the list slowly shrink. It can make the most daunting tasks feel, well, possible.
Ha! Laziness…
To Do lists, are indeed, helpful… I write them in my sketchbook… but don’t always follow up. Sigh.