Spider Killer
A-I-L here… I was brooming off some spider webs off the patio furniture and deck… and I experienced FOUR HU-MUNG-OID spiders… they all looked the same…and they were the kind that when you squish them, you heard the crackle of their dead body…. uhblechhct…. I got the willies all over again! And of course, the spider in this toon had to be HUGE! By the way, I killed them all with the broom, save one… who is, undoubtedly, plotting my demise.
Can you take pics of the spiders and post them here? Of course, you’ll have to get reeeeeeeally close to be sure of getting good pics.
Remember that Night Gallery episode where the spider kept getting killed and then coming back bigger and bigger?
You mind your spider-demising, Brig!
Cats never do as you ask. We do everything for them and they just nap all day.
Yat… lemmie get this straight… you want me to do SPIDER HUNTING?
Pete… I don’t remember that one! Yikes… glad I don’t! I remember the one with the hand though… crawling down the hallway!
Jack… Tell me about it! My cat even BRING IN the mice! (ironic for a cat named Mouse)….
I rather like spiders…okay, not in my bed or anything–they have their defined living spaces and I have mine–but I never kill unless as a last resort. Patrick rolls his eyes as I carefully capture and drop them out the window. Can’t help it, though. My father and Charlotte’s Web taught me to admire the spider. Daughter, not so much…she has called her father in the middle of the night, almost out of her ever-lovin’ arachnophobic mind, to go to her place and kill some unfortunate tiny critter whose innocent search for fly-munchies sealed its doom.
Yat/brig… You can call it a “Spider Safari.” Only remember, when you get reeeeeeal close, that they can jump.
I love the devil-may-care look on Twinkie’s face. Only, Garfield, that other comic cat, is lazier than Twink and yet won’t delay much in dispatching a spider.
Good thing Randie has that gnome birthday gift she despises. I say, put it to good use on that spider. And if it breaks in the process, it’s a double win.
EofO… you and Judy appreciate “our eight-legged friends…” I tells ya… if they are outside doing their own thing…. fine… but the minute they’re inside, they’re toast! When I was researching a drawing for the upcoming issue of the Art-o-rama zine (plug),… I actually felt icky whilst looking at spider pics on my phone.
stick… No… no Spider Safari!
I need only to look at my own cat for modeling.
I just found out today that my mom has a “fishing” gnome at her house in Ohio. She talks nice to it now. Randie need only throw her heavy gnome at the evil spider… as you say… two evils with one something or the other.
I’ve never liked spiders. Some of them can kill.
Learn young padawan, from a manly he-man spider killer … moi.
First step: Scream like a little girl. It’s not fear, it’s a sonic attack to stun the evil arachnid.
B) Leap back and dance around while wagging your hands loosely in the air. This is to clear the battle zone of clinging webs.
3> Prepare! Leather gloves, long handled broom, Kevlar body armor, and fencer’s mask at a minimum. And Kleenex to keep the goo contained.
Delta: Find someone else to get rid of the 8 legged killer for you. Your old auntie or your little sister for instance. Manly men know how to delegate.
Finally – curl up in a corner and shiver in reaction for an hour. Thumb sucking is optional.
Job well done!
A week or so ago my cat decided to make me a present of a HUGE cockroach. She wounded it and then left it on its back in the middle of the room. Needless to say I shrieked like a little girl and whacked it with my shoe as soon as I saw that it was still alive. Seriously, she couldn’t have just eaten it??
Hmm, never had a big problem with spiders, inside or outside.
Nor house centipedes for that matter, feathering along as they scuttle. (House centipedes are good for keeping away less welcome creepy crawlers, like ants, crickets, and silverfish.)
I like garden spiders, big, with yellow and black bodies. You don’t find them inside much, but they make these huge, beautiful webs.
I think Avondales are downright cute (on the inside – on the outside… they were used in the movie Arachniphobia… behavior wise they are some of the nicest spiders you are likely to meet – the other reason they were in Arachniphobia; and the mama and daddy spiders raise the kids together, it’s so Disney!)
But I think funnel web spiders are near the scariest things on the planet. (Aggressive, scary looking, and poisonous.)
The Auld Grump, but the critters that give me the cold creepy crawlies are slugs. *Shudder*
Shame on you, spiders kill and eats thousands of bad insects.
Spiders in general don’t bother me, other than giving me the creeps. And I think that is mainly due to a bad experience as a child, sitting in an outhouse (yeah, actually seen one of those) and a daddy long legs dropped right in my lap.
Came busting out the door of that outhouse like you wouldn’t believe, heh.
But inside my house, I have a rule – I let them live as long as they stay out of my common spaces, or areas where I am exposed. In the bathroom, especially the shower? Hunt ’em down and squish them. Bedroom? Nuh uh – after one experience of a spider deciding it needed to warm up and crawl across my legs while I was in bed, I put an end to THAT.
The one that decided to dangle on a thread right in front of my face while I was sitting at my computer desk a couple nights ago was, I have determined, extremely depressed and suicidal. Only explanation I can think of for that lapse in logic which led to its squishy end.
I’m allergic to spider venom, also had a very traumatic experience as a child with a California wolf spider. Picture a spider roughly as big around as your hand sitting on the wall a few inches away from your face as you wake up in the morning.
I’m not talking as big around as a child’s hand either, I’m talking an open palm, fingers spread, full grown adults hand. Did I mention that those particular spiders hunt mice, rats, and small birds?
Yeah, I had nightmares for weeks after waking up to that when I was about 5. So no, I don’t care how noble a creature the spider is or how beneficial it may be; it comes anywhere near me and it dies.
I have been sick for weeks after a tiny “harmless” spider bite. I have had welts the size of large desert plates on my back and legs after spider bites. I do not, nor will I ever like or tolerate a spider inside my home. If it’s outside and not anywhere near my living space, that’s fine I won’t go out of my way to kill it. But once it crosses my personal space boundary it’s as good as dead.
Goodness! Spider stories!
Squidman… ya know… them squids can be pretty vicious, too! But they don’t hang over your bed at night… planning….
Unca Bad… Oh! You make me giggle! I, too, inevitably wind up sucking my thumb… under the safety of my blankey in bed.
CHug… cats should not do this! It makes sense in cat minds… I suppose they want to show you how skilled they are….” Look, Daddy… your incredibly skilled cat maimed this… just say the word… and I’ll walk away and let you deal with it.”
Grump… yes, when I was pre-seven…. I lived in Eureka… home of creepy spiders… and I nearly ran full speed into a garden spider’s web with spider still planted in the middle. I came face to face… and that was toooooo close.
Amber… I know, I know. It’s just that…. they are scary! Dang the scary-ness! (Upcoming zine to showcase this).
Grey… OH! What a horrible story!!!! Another time when I was in Eureka…. we had a shed under the stairs (outside access)… it’s where the tools were. Dad goes and opens said shed… and a million rather large spiders scatter! NOOOOOOO! But at least they didn’t drop in my friggin’ lap while I was in a compromised position! No no no no! The horror!
Pash… Wow… another yucky bad spider story! We’re racking them up! NOW THAT would FREAK ME OUT… waking up to massive spider-ness right there next to you! I’d say nightmare city!
When my folks lived in Quantico, VA (HQ Marine Corps), they lived in a big OLD brick brownstone that had a boiler room in the basement. It’s where the laundry facilities were… one night my mom & sister were down there and what should come crawling out from the wall? You guessed a spider as big as your hand (sounds familiar, don’t it? ) THey screamed and did the Unca Bad thing … (see above)… and I never ever went down THERE at night having heard this story. GAH!
And sometimes the cat is trying to feed you when it brings you a ‘morsel’. After all, it prefers a birdie while it is still fresh and twitching….
Other times it is trying to teach you how to hunt.
But when it puts the mouse inside your shoe, it is saving the mouse for later.
We had a cat that would sometimes chase mice, catch them, pin them down and… wash them. Letting them go after the poor creatures were nice and clean….
Strange cat. :^P
The Auld Grump