Sick Call
I hated to have to call in sick to work. I always felt like I was letting the team down… not only that, but I always felt like I had to justify being ill.
Randie, having three jobs, gets to do it three times. How will people get their coffee, I wonder…?
Oh man, the first time I called in sick was a few weeks ago during a really big thing that involved needing to move immediately and I was even able to give them 24 hours of notice and try to find myself a replacement. I always feel like people are going to be mad at me or think I’m lying or being lazy and trying to get out of work. :<
I always looked at it this way: I call in sick, they know I’m out and can look for a fill-in; I go to work, give them less than my best effort, team suffers. The bigger favor is me calling in so I free up the seat for someone else to do it better than I could for the day.
My conscience is a lot more clear that way. š
I always feel so guilty when I call in sick. But then I remind myself that when I’m just fine and somebody else comes into work sick , I feel a little miffed. I’m not interested in getting what they got and wished they’d just stayed at home. That makes it easier to call in.
I haven’t had to call in sick in a very long time, thankfully- but that last pannel’s a pretty good copy of me during winter in highschool. I eventually learned not to get out of bed until I was absolutely sure that my school wasn’t included on the local radio station’s list of cancellations. There was one year- I think grade nine or ten- when we didn’t have a full week between January and March that wasn’t at least a day shorter for some reason or another.
Awwwww, po’ widdle Wandie. Get her that duck humidifier!
(I had to grab my Squid Row book to get that reference)
Chase… that’s exactly how I used to feel. I hate people being mad at me!
Grey & Pete… that is a good way to look at it… Better someone else who is more capable at the present time.
CY… You are a most healthy individual then, yes? Keeping the bugs at bay…
Dada… HA! Yes… thinks aren’t exactly ducky for Randie today…. if she catches up on some sleep… she may feel better.
I fixed that–went to work and got sick! Nooobody wanted me around then. I’m a world class barfer, impresses small boys and frightens animals.
Ruth… World-class barfer???? OH, my! Um… I don’t need proof or anything… but how did you… I mean does it run in the family? Do you get car sick? Gosh, I hope not!
Someone working in the room next to my office once sent an email to the rest of the staff telling everyone she was sick and to not approach her for the next several days. The big problems were I had to pass through this room to get to my server equipment and she shared a desk with my night crew!
Makes it that much harder to play hookey.