Serving Or Receiving
Randie could very well be in that line for Thanksgiving dinner at the soup kitchen.
Originally, I had a different storyline in mind for Thanksgiving. I originally thought of Ryan taking Randie to his restaurant’s Turkey Dinner (The Fish Grotto serving turkey dinner?) … but things kept pulling me from this idea…. as with most writing… when things don’t gel, or when the funny doesn’t show up, you have to switch gears. When the right chord is struck, the rest just falls into place.
I’ve got a bunch of sketches for Nicky510 that are sitting in the “wait for it” bin (more a mental place than physical). I wait for inspiration to strike and then toon it. In the past I’ve wasted lots of time trying to force the toon into being in real time and, although the hour hand spins around the clock face, the toon just won’t show itself. But a night’s sleep with the subconscious working can work wonders ?-)
Ryan and Randie make a cute couple.