Serious Biz
I cringe at all the stuff Mouse is into… sales reports and analytical stuff… the business side. I’m much more into the touchy feely stuff. If the shelf is regularly empty… it’s a good seller. But I know the analytical stuff is important in any business.
OK, Mouse, protip from the Old Guy:
You’re thinking with the wrong brain – you think that you get Randie hired, that might endear you to her.
Now engage the other brain, the one up top – and you’ll realize that this also means any complaints Randie has about work, she will be taking them straight to YOU, her friend, and God help you if you can’t do anything about it, which likely means even more work or headaches for you.
Think reeeeeeeal hard, man. Mixing business and friendship is a dangerous deal. Been there, done that, ended badly. Though on the bright side I did get to see her bedroom before I got to see how bad a boss she was. ::snicker::
It’s always important to keep the shelves full.
I can see already who mouse wants to hire.
G-Wolf… Aha… I see. Well. Randie does have something going for her… she has experience. Besides some trouble with tardiness… she is a good worker. Mouse, even with his Randie Rosie glasses on, would still be able to discern this.
Mouse’s recommendation would still have to pass 4 others. But you are right to offer him caution…. being you have *ahem* some experience in the matter. (Were you dating Carol?)
squid man…. Mouse wears his heart on his sleeve, don’t he?
If you want something done right, do it yourself!
Say…this is almost sounding like the ending to Clerks 2.
Dada… yer not going to believe this… I have never seen “Clerks.” I only saw “Dogma” because Alan Rickman was in it. Does “Clerks” have as many “F”words as “Dogma.”
YEY! That means Mouse knows better than to hire Grace! Woohoo!
yeah, i was like mouse once, wearing my heart on my sleeve.
that is, until none day “i realized, “man, those blood stains will never come out!”
Would Mouse become Randie’s boss? His idealized romance may turn to trouble! I certainly will have to stay tuned!!
I always thought that dating (or wanting to date) people who work for you was a bad idea because even if you don’t show them any favoritism, other workers may think you are. If Mouse is the nice guy and hires Randie back he may have to give up his amorous obsession.
Also, is Mouse man enough to say ‘no’ to Grace when she assumes she has her job back? Oooo, plots thicken, plans gel and resolves harden, but will Mouse’s spine?