It’s times like these when you need a hit man. Certainly Cypress City has a seedy side where you can go to find one. Problem is, that’s where Grace probably hangs out.
It’s times like these when you need a hit man. Certainly Cypress City has a seedy side where you can go to find one. Problem is, that’s where Grace probably hangs out.
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. –Oscar Wilde
I’ve had this happen before. I’ve shown something that I am really proud of,and some idiot just has to go and deface it. MEH!
I remember back in the early 80s there was a “pie mafia” in San Diego. For a fee, they’d find your target in a public place and then safely hit them in the face with a shaving cream pie. Well worth the $50 or $60 they charged.
Yat… Yup, Oscar said it most elegantly (as he often does/did).
Squid… I think it is safe to say that there will always be the “unappreciators” out there. It’s easy to mock or chide someone… (even easier on the internet).
Pete… Ha! Yah… they got Prince Charles, as well…. (not in Sandy Eggo though)… I can think of several people in my neck of the woods whom I’d love to put a pie hit on! Hee hee… If you’ve been to my office, The Cartoonery, you’ve seen the clown paintings on my wall…. clown activity must be waring off on me…
Well, let’s see what happens when Grace releases a zine of her own (it will be impossible to deface because it will be ugly as ass).
Dada… hee hee…
Well, technically, Randie’s not satisfied reading and enjoying Grace’s art. Yup, having someone ridicule and desecrate your work is less than enjoyable. Having them do it and then not pay up ought to be a crime.
Yat… You made me think of the saying, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” It’s attributed to Phineas T. Barnum, though no one can prove it.
stick…. I love the name Phineas…. I didn’t know that was what the P. stood for!
The internet is a wonderful source of information. Maybe you can draw up a traveling sales/show-man character (possibly a charismatic ice cream truck or hotdog cart vender) and call him Phineas.