Scarcity Kitty
This would be a good time to lay low… and find somewheres un-notice-able until things blow over. THat is, if Twinkie were a SMART cat.
This would be a good time to lay low… and find somewheres un-notice-able until things blow over. THat is, if Twinkie were a SMART cat.
I’m obviously not in favor of animal abuse in any form or for any reason whatsoever. But the thoughts I have in my mind about Twinkie are… unfavorable.
You know who Twinkie reminds me of? Major Frank Burns from the first few seasons of M*A*S*H. Their personalities are nothing alike, but they’re similar in that they’re extremely annoying antagonists to the main characters. Larry Linville, the actor who portrayed Burns, thought the same; that’s why he left.
His replacement, Major Charles Emerson Winchester III (David Ogden Steirs) was a much, MUCH better character; greater depth, more intelligent, and with an element of enjoyment as he got the better of Hawkeye and BJ. He was the antagonist, but he wasn’t the bad guy.
I’d love to see Twinkie’s contract be “not renewed” and a better, more enjoyable (for good and bad) antagonist replace him. Of course, that’s only the opinion of one reader.
If only Twinkie was capable of purring, Randie would be putty in his paws.
Pete… This is terribly insightful. Your argument for why Twinkie (the brat cat) should scram is well put. Thank you for your feedback. I like to know how my Squiddies feel about certain characters. Thank you, Valdius, for your feedback a couple days back as well.
If you would like to express your overt disappointment OR overwhelming ecstaticness over Twinkie’s return, this would be a great opportunity to do so. I would love to hear your comments! Please weigh in! Smiles!
stick… Twink don’t purr much, do he?
About the time Randie gets a cold and has to go to bed, Twinky can redeem himself by curling up, next to her and get his purr going. Cats are awfully good at that.
Twinkie is simply not a curling-up-next-to-you-purring kind of critter. And Leroy and Beebee are not good friends to Randie and Ryan. They’re the ones who need redeeming, IMO.
Lee… Twinkie would certainly endear himself to her should he snuggle and purr…
But as EofO has indicated… he don’t seem to be a purrer.
EofO… You don’t much like Beebs and Leroy much… does ya?
@Pete – that is beautiful, and the best way I think it could have been put. I agree, too – was much more enjoyable to watch Charles annoy them by being the better doctor (while still having the humility to admit defeat on the rare occasion it happened) than it was to watch Major Burns and wonder how the guy never got court-martialed for sheer incompetence.
Just like with Twinkie – forget the SPCA, I am wondering why even a relatively peaceful guy like Ryan hasn’t actually considered the low low cost of giving $10 and a box of pellets to a kid who has a bb gun. o.O
I guess a Squid Row equivalent would be Randie’s “favorite” artist-who-shall-not-be-named? Does this mean we want to see more of him? Be careful what we wish for? (heh)
To clarify: was not advocating Twinkie’s death (though the ol’ reptile-brain does howl in glee at that) – bb guns were more for harrassment of small animals than killing them, unless you overcharged them and used them on smaller animals like squirrels and birds.
For dogs and cats, more of a harrassment weapon – get stung enough times in the rump with a bb, you stop coming back. Works on small kids too – yes, I am speaking from experience on that one. (rubs his hip at the memory)
Twinkie should just dissapear quickly, or stick arround. one or the other. not both.
Personally, I’d like to see Twinkie go through a “life view altering” event that would allow him to grow as a character. (The thing that never happened to the Major Burns character.)
We have two dogs, Nutmeg and Miho, and they both liked to bolt off the leash and disappear in the neighborhood. (We had five sons, so the open front door was always a danger.) As the years went by, Nutmeg – now 11 years old – hasn’t changed much, though she doesn’t take advantage anywhere near as often; maybe three or four times a year.
Miho, our dachshund, had a “life view altering” event about five years ago, when she was four. She bolted, and I decided enough was enough. I loved her, but she needed to learn her lesson. Chasing after her had become a game to her, so I just told everyone to NOT go after her; she was on her own.
About ten hours later, just before going to bed, I went out to the front yard and called for her. It wasn’t even a minute before she came up to me, crawling on her belly, wagging her tail submissively and looking up at me, begging for forgiveness. I didn’t even need to scold her; she’d learned her lesson about running away from a good thing. Although she’s still as bouncy and full of vinegar as always, she’s never bolted from the yard again.
Twinkie needs something like that to happen (though obviously leaving the premises isn’t the thing) so he can come around and begin to grow as a character. Then he can stay as a more worthy antagonist or leave the strip to better environs. Garfield’s gotta be 40 years old; I imagine he’s looking to retire soon. Maybe Twinkie can get some stand-in work.
I like Twinkie, and I’m unsympathetic to Randie’s cat hating.