Resist Art
No matter what it is you are reading, drawing on, or whatever that thing is that’s stealing your attention from your cat… they will find a way to sit, bat at, or lay all over whatever that is.
No matter what it is you are reading, drawing on, or whatever that thing is that’s stealing your attention from your cat… they will find a way to sit, bat at, or lay all over whatever that is.
hmm…yep. i’ve had a cat sit on my face before…
Yeah, cat’s love to sit on Firedome!
And then there is the sheer JOY of a cat that likes eating Elmer’s glue, bee’s wax, and library paste…. And the cozy warmth of the light table. :^P
The Auld Grump
For me, it was a book I was reading.
firedome: Yah, Mouse will curl up inches from my face… as many cats do, possibly suggesting breakfast. Only a guess.
Squid: and does firedome promise anything? like cat treats?
Grump: Whoa? Beeswax? Really…? I can understand library paste… but beeswax? Hmm… maybe it’s good for the coat (?)… warm light tables… exactly! Well done, kitty.
Yat… mhmmm… book, newspaper, sketchbook… Wii controller, blanket… whatever it is you want to read, use, or see… cats plant themselves RIGHT THERE.
I can’t tell you how many time our cat Eliot would give a critique of my novel-in-progress by jumping up on the keyboard and holding it hostage.
Cats and dogs (and presumably other animals) are always attracted to what humans forbid them to park their butts on. And yes, I’ve had quite a few pieces of art ruined by a pet’s desire to nap somewhere new!
That Twink. And on a picture of a Captain no less!
Nice, a double attention grab. First he’s getting attention indirectly from Randie’s other source of interest, and then he’ll get it directly when she won’t have her pencil pic to draw (pun, heh heh) away her attention.
He better watch it though, or Randie may take up a new hobby, taxidermy.
dome… But brig’s comic says cats can’t resist sitting on “fine art.”
ahhh, but stick…have you seen the photos from which brig’s inspiration for that piece of “fine art” comes?
Brig, no firedome hasn’t done that. He just sighs in resignation when the cats come climbing all over him.He does say hello though.
He’s seen them, you showed them to him.
ahhh, yes, dome, I saw those photos of you in your boat captaining glory that served as inspiration for some Squid wall art in the past and likely for the sketch pad art here too, but without the tentacles. Only, I was wondering about your real-life face climbing/sitting cat encounters. According to the comic here, you’d be “living fine art?”
Pete… your cat’s literary leanings are interesting.
Dada… Butt parking is something that ought to have proper signage. N’est pas?
Jack… there should be warnings posted. Beware of cat-sitting.
stick…. taxidermy should always be outsourced. As Mr. Izzard says: “Ya gatta WANT to be a taxidermist.”
Yes, you got the connection… the captain of the sinking ship was indeed the same captain on Randie’s drawing table.
Capt. Firedome… care to comment?
Squid… what makes Capt. Firedome irresistable to cats? Something in common? fur?
opposites attract…