In my recent visit to our local aquarium… I was fascinated by the resident octopus. There were two, but the male of the pair (in separate tanks) was the more active… and he didn’t disappoint me in his octopus-ness. At first he was coiled up ever so tightly against the glass… his suction cups suctioning the glass for all to see. Then, as I was drawing, he began to unfurl… it was like water coming to a full boil… the movement was rapid and he then,  decided to “sit around for a bit.” Visitors, who have little control over their cameras (there’s a sign that says please don’t flash the octopus), shot some flash photos, and perturbed, he shot across the tank. He stayed active for some time before sliding into a crevice.

Interestingly enough, cool Monterey-Bay-Aquarium-octopus doesn’t have a name… the staff is forbidden to name the fish… only the otters and Bubba. As I am going to bring OUR octopus back for more, any name ideas?