Schid… thick socks, my friend…. really thick socks. Although, that might be seen as a challenge.
squid man…. I love the term “Bashed Up”…
Pete… I refuse to talk about Twinkie’s boy cat parts… But I will say that Beebs’ pet ownership skills seem to be a bit lacking.
Jack… HA! Rainbow has been Bashed!
stick… Thank you. HA! Peace, Love, Harmony… the name of her future felines, providing Twinkie doesn’t beat the snot of them.
And yes, plague bearers is a lovely description.
I’m sure Rainbow was named prior to being given a good scouring at the paws of Twinkie. He was likely named for being seen as a wonderful delight. Well, in the eyes of Beebs. Twinkie likely sees him somewhat differently and may even have a different name for him.
Hopefully this won’t become yet another tragic story of a victim taking his own life to escape the attacks of a bully.
Reminds me of my two cats. One of which needs her claws trimmed *eyes cat who is currently kneeding on my bad ankle*
our two cats don’t always get along well, and our outdoor cat who is a twinkie look-alike tends to come home bashed up alot.
Has Twinkie been neutered? I can’t remember if that was brought up in the storylines. If not, that may be the problem right there.
If he HAS been neutered, then it could be he’s just a jerk.
‘Course, he could also be a neutered jerk…
No pot of gold at the end of THAT rainbow.
First of all… Yay, the full-size image has returned and is so nice to see again. Well done. Up next, the AWOL nav buttons.
Peace, love and harmony, meet Twinkie.
The vile scourge of the Hell Cat has returned.
Beebs is so wonderfully oblivious.
Leroy sees Randie and Ryan as what they are, plague bearers.
Ahhh…. it feels good to be back!
Schid… thick socks, my friend…. really thick socks. Although, that might be seen as a challenge.
squid man…. I love the term “Bashed Up”…
Pete… I refuse to talk about Twinkie’s boy cat parts… But I will say that Beebs’ pet ownership skills seem to be a bit lacking.
Jack… HA! Rainbow has been Bashed!
stick… Thank you. HA! Peace, Love, Harmony… the name of her future felines, providing Twinkie doesn’t beat the snot of them.
And yes, plague bearers is a lovely description.
Rainbow might be a sarcastic/ironic name. Like a slow person named “Lightning.”
In this case, Rainbow seems to be longspeak for “bashed”.
Yat & squid…
I’m sure Rainbow was named prior to being given a good scouring at the paws of Twinkie. He was likely named for being seen as a wonderful delight. Well, in the eyes of Beebs. Twinkie likely sees him somewhat differently and may even have a different name for him.
Hopefully this won’t become yet another tragic story of a victim taking his own life to escape the attacks of a bully.
Somehow or other I foresee a long trip back to Cypress City. A long, loud trip.
Yat… HA… or Grammy being speed racer.
squid… what gave you that idea?
stick… he’s definitely been bullied… and Bashed.
EofO… Hee hee… Leroy may be up to something!