Depression seems to be a common malady for the creative mind, and linked in extremity – the more creative tend to face bigger bouts of depression. We could start a discussion of Van Gogh to prove that point but … nah.
I’ll just leave it at my own personal theory that if you have a creativity to envision such worlds of beauty but are forced to wake up every day to the reality of the world we live in … well, hell, who WOULDN’T be depressed by that?
Speaking of which, anyone else see that article about people getting depressed after watching Avatar because they would rather live on Pandora than here? Kinda know how they feel, myself …
Being a writer and having my fair share of depression and discouraged moodiness, I can absolutely feel where Randie is coming from. I know for myself that a lot of it stems from observing life and describing it; even “creating” it in my novels, where my protagonists nearly always have it better than me (by the end of the story, at least).
The solution is nearly always the same: Stepping back and away from my creativeness and attempting to lose myself in the myriad of pulsing life around me. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that living life if as important as describing life. (Though for artists, I believe it cannot be MORE important; which is why we can become distant and morose so easily.)
Randie needs a break from her art, no matter how brief.
Grey…. It is very true that artists and creative types seem to have a down & melancholy side. I think a lot of it is that whole right-brain thing… emotionalness is a trait… we’re very in touch with that emotional side. And we tend to have some empathy, too. So just as you feel the joy of inspiration… you can also feel the hurt of rejection, and lack of inspiration and the empathy you feel of others… I won’t go into the emotional needs of artists… peoples’ brains might explode.
teacher… awww…. I sorry. Um… well, tissue?
Yat… that would certainly help… rolled up newspaper might help… rolled up zine… where’s the dang cat! Meh, Twinkie wouldn’t attack on command, anyhow… we’ve tried that.
Pete… Moodiness… yup. Observation of life reactions… for sure. And good advice! Step back… recharge… change focus!
Dada… yah… ’tis the season! Holy flyin’ Bat-heads! Where’s my sling shot?
Ahh, this comic looks so much better here than in today’s paper. The background blues, blacks and purples all came out equally dark in print and mixed together in obscuring the flying head’s bat wings. Erk, wingless, flying heads.
Speaking of comics… Bucky the cat from another comic (Get Fuzzy) offered some great bits of positiveness in yesterday’s Sunday funnies…
“…One man’s trash is another man’s castle. Of course, I’m an optometrist, not a pestilence. I see the glass as half rose-tinted. I don’t cry over milk spilled under bridges. I go make lemonade. And even when my glass is half-empty, it’s a big glass. I’ll put my half-empty jug up against your full shot glass any day.”
Maybe a visit to cheer up sick kids in the hospital? She could take coloring pages and do stories. Our friend needs to find some artful ways to get unstuck on herself.
stick… yah, the paper toon came out muddy… dark doesn’t print well on gray newsprint. I always forget.
Big cup optimisticness I like.
Pash… yah, we creative types… we speak the same language a lot of times.
EofO… that is really the best cure for the blues, isn’t it? Helping others…
Beetle… Gus would certainly cheer ol’ Randie up. But she’d actually have to leave the house for that. When yer down, you don’t want to leave the house.
BUT I am glad to hear you got your copy! I managed to finish them up before APE… so I sent them out a bit early. Enjoy!
Hey Brig, I can show you an easy photoshop trick for visualizing your comics printed on gray newsprint. Remind me the next time I stop in at the cartoonery.
JC… I imagine it’s making a grey transparent layer atop all the other layers, yes? I’m just guessing, but that would probably do it… and not a bad way to work it out.
Depression seems to be a common malady for the creative mind, and linked in extremity – the more creative tend to face bigger bouts of depression. We could start a discussion of Van Gogh to prove that point but … nah.
I’ll just leave it at my own personal theory that if you have a creativity to envision such worlds of beauty but are forced to wake up every day to the reality of the world we live in … well, hell, who WOULDN’T be depressed by that?
Speaking of which, anyone else see that article about people getting depressed after watching Avatar because they would rather live on Pandora than here? Kinda know how they feel, myself …
Randie is breaking my heart today…
Randie could use a flyswatter right about now.
Being a writer and having my fair share of depression and discouraged moodiness, I can absolutely feel where Randie is coming from. I know for myself that a lot of it stems from observing life and describing it; even “creating” it in my novels, where my protagonists nearly always have it better than me (by the end of the story, at least).
The solution is nearly always the same: Stepping back and away from my creativeness and attempting to lose myself in the myriad of pulsing life around me. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that living life if as important as describing life. (Though for artists, I believe it cannot be MORE important; which is why we can become distant and morose so easily.)
Randie needs a break from her art, no matter how brief.
Nothing says Halloween season like a vampire bat Randie!
Grey…. It is very true that artists and creative types seem to have a down & melancholy side. I think a lot of it is that whole right-brain thing… emotionalness is a trait… we’re very in touch with that emotional side. And we tend to have some empathy, too. So just as you feel the joy of inspiration… you can also feel the hurt of rejection, and lack of inspiration and the empathy you feel of others… I won’t go into the emotional needs of artists… peoples’ brains might explode.
teacher… awww…. I sorry. Um… well, tissue?
Yat… that would certainly help… rolled up newspaper might help… rolled up zine… where’s the dang cat! Meh, Twinkie wouldn’t attack on command, anyhow… we’ve tried that.
Pete… Moodiness… yup. Observation of life reactions… for sure. And good advice! Step back… recharge… change focus!
Dada… yah… ’tis the season! Holy flyin’ Bat-heads! Where’s my sling shot?
Ahh, this comic looks so much better here than in today’s paper. The background blues, blacks and purples all came out equally dark in print and mixed together in obscuring the flying head’s bat wings. Erk, wingless, flying heads.
Speaking of comics… Bucky the cat from another comic (Get Fuzzy) offered some great bits of positiveness in yesterday’s Sunday funnies…
“…One man’s trash is another man’s castle. Of course, I’m an optometrist, not a pestilence. I see the glass as half rose-tinted. I don’t cry over milk spilled under bridges. I go make lemonade. And even when my glass is half-empty, it’s a big glass. I’ll put my half-empty jug up against your full shot glass any day.”
Now, there’s a collective thought for a day.
Ouch, been there done that far too many times to myself to count. Randie and I seem to be much of the same mind.
Maybe a visit to cheer up sick kids in the hospital? She could take coloring pages and do stories. Our friend needs to find some artful ways to get unstuck on herself.
Brig, you lied. You said that “Art-O-Rana” would be mailed out the week of Oct 15th. I already got my copy (in Illinois, not local delivery).
Maybe Randie should go visit Gus.
stick… yah, the paper toon came out muddy… dark doesn’t print well on gray newsprint. I always forget.
Big cup optimisticness I like.
Pash… yah, we creative types… we speak the same language a lot of times.
EofO… that is really the best cure for the blues, isn’t it? Helping others…
Beetle… Gus would certainly cheer ol’ Randie up. But she’d actually have to leave the house for that. When yer down, you don’t want to leave the house.
BUT I am glad to hear you got your copy! I managed to finish them up before APE… so I sent them out a bit early. Enjoy!
I feel ya Randie. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with the attack of the blues. So ironically, this is comforting.
joy88… It’s funny how that works, ain’t it? When you SING the blues… you actually feel more better. Smiles!
Hey Brig, I can show you an easy photoshop trick for visualizing your comics printed on gray newsprint. Remind me the next time I stop in at the cartoonery.
JC… I imagine it’s making a grey transparent layer atop all the other layers, yes? I’m just guessing, but that would probably do it… and not a bad way to work it out.
Ben and Jerry’s…. whenever I want to hate eat myself into a coma….
John… (HI! Glad yer here!) Okay… what’s your go to B&J flavor??? Cookies are my downfall… Choco chip…