And Presto!
We have two Presto heat dishes at my house. It’s dat cold! … and it’s not uncommon for the dang things to trip the circuit.
And Presto!
We have two Presto heat dishes at my house. It’s dat cold! … and it’s not uncommon for the dang things to trip the circuit.
I have had that happen to me. I spent 5k to fix my electricity and when I plugged in a nice heater, the house kicked off.
Current temperature outside: ±15°. (-15°C, +15°F). I have no pity for Randie at the moment.
Tea candles, I say! TEA CANDLES!!
Pete… I dunno…. for as many tea candles that would be needed to heat her apartment, there might could be a building fire…. shudder.
McDuff… Yahhaah… are you wearing gloves?
Jay (and a Squiddie welcome to ya)… You musta been HUGELY disappointed. I hope it’s fixed by now.
Please, NO CANDLES!!! As a retired firefighter, I have been on entirely too many house fires started by unattended candles. One, while the occupant was at home, but in another room. They are lovely to see, but WAAY dangerous.
Thanks for the opportunity to rant.
Good thing the circuit blew or else the warmth of the resulting house fire might be nice for a few moments but would then get way too hot, followed by way too cold.
Oh well, maybe that was just a badly wired circuit. Ryan ought to try the other plugs too.
Hey, how does next door neighbor Max keep warm? Seems he’d be the type to complain alot if his place would be equally freezing…and yet, no complaints, nor sightings of Max. Hmmm.
I have a presto heat dish myself, and the thing trips the circut all the time. Of course I live in an older house.
It’s a cartoon cliche as old as time, but I never get tired of the ol’ “floating eyes in pitch black”.
That would be the kind of luck I would have if I had one of those.
I work for a company that sells another kind of heater (I won’t mention the name but they are supposed to be a purely edenic experience), and I don’t own one of those either. Oddly, our wiring at the workplace is such that space heaters, including the kind we sell, can royally screw things up. A few years ago, one of our maintenance guys got on the PA and announced, “Attention all associates: If you have a space heater at your desk, I will personally confiscate it and throw it in the dumpster!”
Good times, good times.
Lee… It’s good to have a public service announcement now and again. Thanks… (My bro is a firefighter in San Diego.)
stick… no doubt the wiring in that building is old and I would worry about plugging such things into the walls.
Squid… they’re funny things… I could stand in front of one for hours… and I do.
Dada… I blame Scooby Doo
Uwg… your comments scare me.
I’ve never heard of this Presto Heat Dish, or any heat dish…must be a regional thing? We do have space heaters though
Are they round? Presto heat dishes are round. We had a little one that looked a bit like a fridge.
We have space heaters that have ceramic elements and are shaped like cubes. They have different heat settings as well as temperature settings. If they are tipped over they shut off and the front and sides do not get hot enough to be a hazard.
No, the space heater I have is an oblong…they do come in all sorts of sizes and shapes…maybe I just never paid that much attention to them before I had to buy one. I have this one room that is huge but only has 2 heat vents, you can have the rest of the house at 70 degrees, but the huge room is 5-10 degrees cooler…drives me bonkers and makes the heat go on and off more often, so finally bought a space heater to make up the diff in that room.
The Presto Heat Dish (shaped like a satellite dish) is sold at Costco here in CA. I think that’s why so many people have them. Cubes work, too, yah? I am cold sensitive and so I like a toasty house. Luckily my office stays pretty warm… but the minute you mosey out the door… that hallway is like the Great White North! (I shall call it The Great White Hallway)…
lol Brig, The Great White Hallway…lol. My computer room gets that way, if I have the door shut it heats up the room and when I open it and step out into the hall I’m like omg, wheres the heat!?!