I always found that roomies who leave post-it notes with nuisance messages were the same ones who were either insanely super clean to the point of unhealthiness, or they were the ones leaving messes all over the place but nitpicking if you left something out of order. Both tend to be backstabbers.
SOMETIMES… you either earn or even create lousy roommates.
Wow, passive aggressive all over…would’ve been easier to throw away the sandwich than write the post it note….
Melody should take the tuna salad sammich out of the fridge…
…and hide it under the front seat of Leileiani’s car.
Sweet Leileiani, heavenly flower…
I always found that roomies who leave post-it notes with nuisance messages were the same ones who were either insanely super clean to the point of unhealthiness, or they were the ones leaving messes all over the place but nitpicking if you left something out of order. Both tend to be backstabbers.
Meem… Indeed… throw away the stinky sammich… then post a “I threw away your nasty sammich!” note.
Yat… Oh, that would be MEAN! Hmm… maybe she should write that one down.
RN… Oh, if you only knew her as I do… I mean, heh, heh… as Mel does.
Trev… Nailed it. Check back to see which one she is. That’s a hint that we will be dealing with “horrible” more in the future.
Eager to see how this turns out!
Trev… Oh… there’s bound to be more of THIS sort of thing.
Nothing like a passive aggressive odor for a passive aggressive note.
Jack… gatta love the roomie PAN (Passive aggressive note).