Party Notes
Me, too, Ryan… me, too! I don’t guess Ryan could possibly find some Potter-ific things goin’ on in London. Of course, he doesn’t know anybody but Clive… and Em.
Me, too, Ryan… me, too! I don’t guess Ryan could possibly find some Potter-ific things goin’ on in London. Of course, he doesn’t know anybody but Clive… and Em.
I’d so be there… but more friends than Pottah
Ryan should have been here:
Rye isn’t looking so hot. In fact, he’s downright scruffy.
Of course it’ll be fun! Free food!
We watched “Goblet of Fire” last night in our little mini-thon to prepare for 7.2. The Phillies are playing the Braves tonight, so we may hold off an extra night before watching “Order of the Phoenix”. Besides, we want to pace ourselves.
Someone mentioned yesterday about geek certificatetude. I can comfortably say that both my wife and I not only have certificates in geekitude, we also have our Bachelor’s, Master’s, and multiple PhDs in Geek. To us, an HP marathon with the kids before seeing the final movie at midnight on Friday is simply what we DO. *contented sigh* It’s a fun and blessed life we’ve been given.
That’s probably Rye’s problem here: You can be a lone geek, but it’s not natural. Geeks gather in gaggles and feed off each other geekiness. You’ve only to look at the plethora of scifi, anime, literary, and even furry conventions to see it for the truth.
I dunno, could it possibly be as much fun as a First Friday?
Shelby… Yah… make sure you “check in on the fun” this Sunday.
Joe… I do this weird thing where I won’t go to fun things by myself. I talk myself out of it. I’m not sure where this comes from, but I wind up missing things because I don’t want to go alone. (I know what yer gonna say… pick up the phone, silly!) I guess I’m just odd that way.
EofO… Ryan is beginning to show his emotional issues on the outside… when he stops doing laundry… we may need to call for intervention.
JC… hands down FF wins…. except it’d be fun if people wore costumes … hmmm… that might be an idea for a future FF… wigs or face painting or someting….
Pete… It’s like “Harry Potter Season.” Dragonkiller is going thru the movies, too… as am I.
That premiere woulda been fun in London… the rain mighta kept me away… I don’t like to be wet.
Go on with your day.
Seven in a row? Ugh. I recall bad movie nights, and Sunday afternoon movies, but those were just one a pop. There were those folks who went nuts with the first 24 dvd release and just had to sit through an entire season. Not I. I guess it could be worse, there are something like 21 or 22 James Bond movies…
Well, if Mouse and Midge know the story well enough, and I’m guessing they do…they can just set the dvd’s on fast forward and do some funny fill-in, voice-over acting. Take the 14 or more hour movie length down to a more manageable 6 or 7 hours. Ack, what am I thinking? Still way too long. Maybe a weeklong, 7 night movie marathon?
Rye is looking like he already went through a 14 hour movie-thon, much more and he’ll have a new head of hair on his chin. Come to think of it, that may actually be kind of funny…the hair on his head will look the same rightside-up or upside-down. Ha.
My film uber-geekiness ended with “Lord of the Rings”. It’s just too exhausting to keep up with franchises after that.
I will admit I am a nerd, a pretty big one at that. I have not gone to the realm of the Harry Potter franchise. I hear it can get insane! Portland goes bonkers for the release. The last book release was insane! Lines snaking all throughout downtown. Look out! NERDS!
That’d be fun to be in Portland for that. Portland is rather geeky, eccentric, and comical in so many ways! The cartoonists run amuck there! Portland is Potterific then… ?
EofO… but the Potter books ARE lots of fun.
Stick… If Ryan’s shaving doesn’t improve… he may just look like the SF Giant’s pitcher, Brian “the beard” Wilson. And you can’t condense Potter films… they are already condensed books… so much gets left out to make it into a film. To edit even further would be a crime!
Dada… um… look who’s calling nerds NERDs!
brig… Methinks Dada was quoting, “Revenge of the Nerds.” But yes, good point as he would have been channeling the nerd-hating jocks for that comment.
Hmm, FF or a HP premier on funness? Why not have your cake and eat it too? You do funnies, which by definition are, and really should be funness. Plus as the stalwart leader of this discussion site who has the ears and eyes of many local compadres, you oughta organize a meeting-place & pre-party at your cartoonery with P7.2 to follow. I looked up your place on google and checked that theater you’ve got around the corner, Maya Cinema, and sure enough, it’s play’in Potter! Score! Sign ’em up and snag some advance ticks…if you like.
BTW, check out this image from google maps…you may have already seen it, I’m sure you likely have, but wow what a source of pride…you can even zoom in more.
The Cartoonery with Randie in the window…,or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tljp1310176066078014&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
Uh, that link did so not work the way I had hoped when I checked it. Hmm.
I tried it again and hopefully this will get you the street view of Randie in the window.
If not, at least you should be close enough to move to and fro a bit to see her…,+Salinas,+Ca&cp=34&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=605&wrapid=tljp131017798706200&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x808df8c1bbe6bb95:0x1e300abeb03f94d4,5+E+Gabilan+St,+Salinas,+CA+93901&gl=us&ei=yLoXTvqqOMbOiAKtxrHSBQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBUQ8gEwAA
Ha! There’s Randie, alright! Right where she always is… and apparently, I’m in the office (as the light is on). The photographed on a nice day… and they got the Harley’s on the corner there across from me (There is always HD parked on that corner… they LIVE at the coffee shop (Rollick’s).
Glad to hear that things there are as they always are. Looking at the pictures I was amazed that all the faces are fuzzed out while the bodies are fine. That all the license plates are fuzzed, while the cars are fine. That certain store signs are clear, while others are fuzzed. That must have been some task of fuzzing all faces, license plates and certain signs on every street in the known google map’s world. Better coffee and riding than beer and riding.