One Condition
They’re just funny! C’mon… those outfits they wear at Hot Wiener on a Stick!
Randie shouldn’t laugh, really… she’s worked at some highly costumed establishments herself! I shouldn’t laugh either.
They’re just funny! C’mon… those outfits they wear at Hot Wiener on a Stick!
Randie shouldn’t laugh, really… she’s worked at some highly costumed establishments herself! I shouldn’t laugh either.
I once saw a girl in one of those things — a skinny little teenager — who was about eight months and three weeks pregnant. Nobody I’ve seen wearing one since has lived up to the expectation.
My first job put me in a red “Colonel Chicken” uniform 4 sizes too big. I looked ridiculous…for $1.95 cents an hour. Good incentive for a better education!
Being forced to wear something like that should qualify as cruel and unusal punishment.
At least Ryan’s trying to stop laughing :).