To be, or NOT to be true? That, is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler to ignore the rumors, or to take arms against a sea of doubts!
Alas, poor Jimmy Chow. I knew him well, Randie. A man of infinite spite.
He told me many things, Randie. All about you and Ryan and Feather…
Et tu, Rumor?
To be, or NOT to be true? That, is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler to ignore the rumors, or to take arms against a sea of doubts!
Alas, poor Jimmy Chow. I knew him well, Randie. A man of infinite spite.
He told me many things, Randie. All about you and Ryan and Feather…
‘Eggbert’ Ha! That RAWKED!
And what if it is? Truth will out, there’s use going around guessing at this state.
And Randie is part of the Gravevine Conspiracy! The only one who seems above the fray is a certain clevah kitteh.