No Help
This can carry over to not only retail, but to say newspapers. If you want to be your LOCAL newspaper, and you lay off all your writers, fill your paper with Associated Press stories and cut your local content… people are less likely to renew their subscriptions.
Welcome home Bridgett!!!
I hope that you had a wonderfull trip!!!
Get some rest, then… PICTURES! We want PICTURES!
If Randie thinks it’s bad, the youngest people in our shop turn 52 this year. The compay just let go someone, in their 30’s, who had been working with us for 6 years. A year ago, they got rid of someone in their 20’s! If we have no one to train in the next three years, 3 people will be old enough to retire and no one to take the place of anyone who gets promoted.
Thanks, fellas… I must admit that I am missing The Island something fierce… Harold is still moping… Judy tried to cheer him up with the promise of making him a new Hawaiian shirt with some fabric she picked up in Capt. Cook. He looked up and I think I caught a smile.
Anyhoo, pics up on Squid Row Mama’s Flickr later today. Aloha!
Ah, modern times. I read of some smart phone app that lets you go to retailers, have their clerks help you make a selection, and then with a scan of the barcode to your phone allows you to buy the same thing from the likes of amazon at a much reduced price and a delivery in just a couple days.
What ever happened to the good ‘ol days when you’d spend alot of money on poorly made goods with planned obsolescence built-in? I mean, those nylon/plastic gears (aka. “hamsters”) could only run so long before going kaput. But at least you’d have people pumping your gas, checking your oil, checking your air and cleaning your windows.
Now-a-days, folks like themselves superior, long-lasting goods puchased at either self-service-oriented warehouses with wholesale prices, or through instant “mail-order” at even lower prices. Oh and to get those prices so low…industrial manufacturing (the life blood of commerce) has to go off-shore.
So sad to have to bid goodbye to the land of Dog the Bounty Hunter and Hawaii-Five-O. Judy’s Hawaiian souvenir-esque remembrance may help Harold to hold on to the island magic (?). Then again, there’re the TV shows as fallbacks. Yeah, they’re crime-based, but, hey, the scenery is Hawaiian.
Love that word, “Aloha.” It’s hello, goodbye and love in the same word, and you have to guess which definition is called for or implied. Kinda like, “Hola” in Spanish.
This is a well-known phenomenon in retail: “zeroing out.” All employees may get their hours cut, but ones whom management doesn’t like can get nothing.
A diarist named Lightbulb writes about this and other retail issues at Daily Kos. Here’s a piece he did on January’s budget:
The only reason he’ll be able to get through this January is because he laid in enough canned goods.