Might I interest you in a nice parrot?
I will grant you that he is deceased. That is, he’s not pinein’, he’s passed on. This parrot is no more. He has ceased to be. He’s off his twig. He’s curled up his tootsies. He’s shuffled off this mortal coil. He’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. He’s a stiff. Bereft of life he rests in peace. He’s idubitably extinct. This, is an Ex-Parrot!
Shall I wrap him up for you?
Joe… you are rather chipper before coffee.
Um, no parrots…. and especially no dead parrots. Thank you… or even dachshunds… I leave you to yours, Pete. No matter how adorable. Randie… nay on pets at the moment. In the way back, she had a goldfish. Ahem, he met a gruesome end… and not by Twinkie’s paw… despite his best efforts. Ryan, on the other hand, still has his.
You gots it, Dada… and too, it takes two to tango. She ain’t tango-ed in a while… ooo, is that too much info? GAH! …. I don’t want to think about stuff like that… my characters cartoon tango-ing! Kittens! KITTENS!
Might I interest you in a nice parrot?
I will grant you that he is deceased. That is, he’s not pinein’, he’s passed on. This parrot is no more. He has ceased to be. He’s off his twig. He’s curled up his tootsies. He’s shuffled off this mortal coil. He’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. He’s a stiff. Bereft of life he rests in peace. He’s idubitably extinct. This, is an Ex-Parrot!
Shall I wrap him up for you?
Monty Python ref. Heee-heee! Classic stuff!
…and I haven’t even had my morning coffee yet.
No cats make sense.
But dachshunds… you know, that’s still out there. I’m just sayin’… 😉
Joe… you are rather chipper before coffee.
Um, no parrots…. and especially no dead parrots. Thank you… or even dachshunds… I leave you to yours, Pete. No matter how adorable. Randie… nay on pets at the moment. In the way back, she had a goldfish. Ahem, he met a gruesome end… and not by Twinkie’s paw… despite his best efforts. Ryan, on the other hand, still has his.
I worked Saturday afternoon, so I get today off. Sure makes Mondays a whole lot easier to deal with.
Randie has a Harold… what more do you need? (OK, I’m a bad example, but then my pets at the Astragali Stuffed Animal Sanctuary are all very happy!)
I’d imagine she doesn’t have children around for similar reasons.
You gots it, Dada… and too, it takes two to tango. She ain’t tango-ed in a while… ooo, is that too much info? GAH! …. I don’t want to think about stuff like that… my characters cartoon tango-ing! Kittens! KITTENS!
She should get a lizard, or perhaps a turtle.