Nice Digs by brig on October 7, 2013 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics How well do you know your Squid Row? Where did Randie live before she lived in the place she’s moving from? └ Tags: moving, randie, randie's apartment, skid row, spill
Didn’t she live in a cheap apartment on like periwinkle or something that had a leaky roof (among other problems)? I think it burnt down when she was thinking about needing to change something in her life?
On the moon.
I know where. I’ll not say until others have chimed in. However…
Stick and a marshmallow, anyone?
Nice place. When Randie and Spill are done with it it will be covered in paint!
It does seems nice! I can’t wait to see the inside!
Pash… Yes! On Periwinkle… It was a house, though… and who should live in the apartment behind her? Some stinkin’ cat…
Dave… Randie’s head is usually in the clouds… not nearly as high as the moon.
Pete… Yes, please. Put a few on that twig, will you? Who’s got the grahams and chocolate?
Dada… no doubt! It’ll be “an eclectic” paint job.
Val… yes… not long now…
I would hope it’s less Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum. (Which is why it amuses me to see Indian restaurants named after it.)
Not to mention over priced hotel-casinos….
For me the term Skid Row brings to mind Seattle, and the original Skidders’ Row.
The Auld Grump
Heh… speaking of eclectic paint jobs, take a look at these shoes I had fun with.
I’m thinking that Randie and Spill might get a giggle out of them. 😀
uwg… it’s a very Ritzy mausoleum.
Grump… Yes! I dig Seattle… probably just because of the whole coffee thing.
Pash… NICELY done! Yes, your kicks are sure to… well, people will get a kick out of your new kicks! Vive la creativity!