Loser Participan
When I was maybe 6, I entered a Kellogg’s “Draw your favorite breakfast cereal mascot” contest. I chose Tony the Tiger… He’s GRRRRRRREAT! I remember Mom sending it off… and then… waiting. Oh, I waited…. and waited some more. It’s tough to wait when you’re a kid. But finally, it came… the disappointment. Sigh. I did NOT win…. somehow, this did not deter me from being a cartoonist later in life. I think it was just the beginning of a long list of disappointments.
As Calvin’s Dad would say: “It builds character!”
As for waiting and waiting and waiting… to be rejected: Been there, done that.
Wait… I’m STILL doing that!
You and me, Pete… we got lots of characters. (buh duh-duh).
awww ! *hug*
At least they were decent enough to let you know you didn’t win. Most places just don’t tell you anything and then you look and a winner has been announced and it ain’t you.
Most great artists and writers were rejected frequently, so we’re all in good company :)!
I sent a short story in to a magazine and the rejection letter(email, rather) took four months to come. I know it’s a quarterly publication, but it was still a downer to wait so long and hear no.
And then it’ll turn out that she shouldn’t overgeneralize, because she really did win!
…Well, I can dream.
It was a contest like this that taught me, at a very young age, to read the fine print.
Revelle, the plastic model company, had a contest where you could win your very own, genuine, Apollo reentry capsule!
In the fine print, it was specified that the capsule would be given to a school or playground in the winner’s town.
My response was first, “What? I can’t have it in my back yard?” Followed by, “If a school is going to get the prize, let the school enter the damned contest!” (I was a mouthy ten-year-old…)
Y’know, I wonder what happened to that capsule. Is it sitting in a vacant lot somewhere? I never saw the results of that contest.
Petercat… Wow… kids don’t usually read the fine print. You were greatly informed. I, too, entered a contest when I was young… it was a “Draw Tony the Tiger” … it seemed like forever before they sent a “thanks for participating” letter to me. I remember being very disappointed. Oh, well… as an artist, you need to learn about rejection early.
I’d try scouring the internet for your long-time-ago-results… I’m sure there’s something somewhere about that space capsule!