L Potter Day
Happy International Harry Potter Day! I lift my mug o’ Butter Beer to JK Rowling and the boy that lived! (And Snape… he’s my favorite!)
Midge and I are fans. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I am a Potter-head… but I enjoyed the books/movies immensely. For those who remember, when we first met Midge, she was having a Larry-Potter-thon at her house and Mouse and… well here’s the link so you can read yourself.
Being in the middle of a small Potterthon myself, I’ m with Midge. Harry and his friends and enemies with such a well written microcosm of humanity that it still entertains after a dozen readings and viewings.
at first… and second, and third.. glance, the ‘L’ and ‘I’ in ‘flickwit’ looked like a U. and I lol’d.
Hati (Welcome!) … Um… ahem… yes, I can see that now… Hmmm… well, it adds another layer of… interest, I suppose. Anybody else see this?
Yeah, I saw it, too, and had to look twice, but I definitely got a smile out of it. Also very much a Potter-phile here…
Rich… Oh dear… Hee hee… Well, Potterheads unite! Raise your butter beers!
I didn’t see it till it was pointed out, lol, so not to worry. I like the Harry Potter verse though I haven’t actually read all of the books. I need to pick them up and start again at the beginning. I’ve seen all of the movies though, (that’s why I haven’t actually read all of the books). I found when I read the book first then saw the movie I really couldn’t enjoy the on screen adaptation.
So I decided to just watch the movies first so I could enjoy them without grousing about all the important things they left out. Now that I’ve seen all of them I really need to pick up the books so I can get the full and proper experience.
On that note though, my mate, who’s not that much of a Harry Potter fan actually went and joined Pottermore, which is an online game/experience for Potter fans.
He said he joined it out of curiosity because Will Wheaton blogged about joining it to see which house he would be sorted into. My mate wound up being sorted into the same house as Will Wheaton, (Ravenclaw).
He said that the site was actually pretty fun and he was enjoying it in spite of himself, so I joined it too. I wound up in Huffelpuff, which after reading more about it actually makes a lot of sense to me and my house is currently ahead in points for the house cup.
Glad I’m not the only one who misread “Flickwit”.
That was unintentional, RIGHT, BRIG?
Dada… Uh… Yah! I did! … But I blame PiekosProfessional… the font.
Gramy P… Ha… yah. I started reading the books after I saw the third film because I wanted to know who to blame! The author? The screenwriter? the director? Turns out that Azkaban is Rowling’s favorite film in the series.
Anyhow, it’s time to go back and re-read…
I, too, joined Pottermore, but that is as far as I got. I guess I thought I’d have more time to play.
Gramy, if you’re looking for the books, you might find a great deal at one of the antique shops in Moss Landing. A while back, they had 3 to four copies of each one of the hardbacks, and they were ridiculously low priced – something between $2 and $5 apiece. They may still have some.
Like most Dungeon Masters I am a Slytherin in good standing…. >;^)
Ran across something in my doleful wanderings of the interweb…. Beware, evil lawn Gnome link follows…. https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10176246_10152510720475934_3141525957203937970_n.jpg
Randie really does not want to see that….
The Auld Grump
I knew there was a reason I wanted to hang myself yesterday. Sorry to be my usual negative self here, but there are things that deserve a lot more attention in this world than Harry Potter. Yes, I know the books got a lot of younger people reading. Yes, I know they’re supposedly some fantastic writing. Yes, I’ve read some (the first two).
What sickens me is THIS kind of thing is what people celebrate as inspired writing. Mind you, better than hunger games and sparkly vampire mary sue, the novel……. but given the choice I’ll stick to things that don’t reek of one too many animes thrown into a blender on puree and then crammed into a european setting and mythos, thanks.
Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to use my time today to finish readying ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ and maybe start some of Dante Aligheri’s work, all the while realizing I’m getting to be too old for this nonsense……
Grump… Slytherin? Really? Well, ok. And that is the most terrifying gnome I have seen! Yikes!!!! Don’t look, Randie!
Jenn …. Goodness, so I am guessing thennnnn…… You are not a Potter fan …. Well, we will disagree on the merits of HP. If everyone enjoyed the same things, life would be kinda boring.
Rich…. Gramy P. Lives far away elsewhere…. Nowhere near Moss Landing.
Happy STAR WARS Day everyone!
(May the 4th be with you!)
When did May become ‘pop culture month’? I missed this memo somewhere in the mess that is my life……
Brig: Honestly I found the books OK. Not great, not inspiring…… just OK, and generally too long in very short order. I wouldn’t even care to be negative about them except for things getting habitually blown out of proportion these days. Just a decade or two ago something had to really mean something to be so widely known, not just be a literary anime. The more and more loudly I’m reminded of something average the quicker it wears out its’ welcome, and my patience. By now I’d love nothing more than to take a flamethrower to their quiddich pitch.
I loved the books and am ready for a reread. Lots of missed details pop out when going through a good book a second time. I agree with Lady Jenn that I didn’t find them “inspired writing” but I did find them entertaining and a great break from real world problems. I still haven’t seen all of the movies. (That sounds like a great summer project.)
@Brig – only in my capacity as a Dungeon Master.
My personal sympathies lie with Hufflepuff, but being a soft hearted and kindly person defeats the purpose of being a games master. 😛
The Auld Grump
Rich Gierman, where is Moss Landing? I’ve never heard of it.
@Grump, that depends entirely one what kind of game you run. I have never had any complaints about my GMing and I’m solidly a Hufflepuff type of person.
Sorry, Gramy we have such a close-knit gang of regulars here that I forget we’re not all locals. Moss Landing is a small, bucolic harbor town about fifteen minutes north of Monterey.
@Gramy Pashakitty – I favor plotlines with backstabbing, politics, and the final argument of kings.
I am also fond of having the players start with faulty intelligence, either out of date or just plain wrong.
Fought all through this wilderness in ’59.
Still fancy I see shadows movin’, time after time.
Still fancy I see shadows movin’, time after time.
If it doesn’t lift your spirits, well it leaves you numb.
Best cure for the shadows is a bottle of rum.
Only cure for shadows is a bottle of rum….
(From Boatman’s Cure, by George Ward)
Currently setting up a Pathfinder game around the French & Indian War – in this case Elf & Orc War…. Night is not a good time for humans, given that the orcs and the elves can both see in the dark….
The French & Indian War had some well documented cases of what became known as combat fatigue, shell shock, or PTSD.
It also saw the rise of one George Washington, a leader of milishy.