Interference by brig on May 22, 2012 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics AIL. Once you make the bed and work AROUND the cat… that’s when they decide to move. └ Tags: cat, cat humor, cats, making the bed, randie
Hee. My solution: slide hands under cat, lift, place on floor. They look annoyed at you, then go to check their bowl. 🙂
This is why you leave the vacuum cleaner out and plugged in. They don’t want to move, you hit the switch, voila … they move. 😀
The cat’s around because she’s interacting with him in a cat-preferred non-interactive manner. Once the “interaction” is done, so is the cat.
And your point is . . . ??
Cats! These damn cats! Twink is wired like, well, a cat for sure!
McDuff… Yes, good plan.
Wolf… even gooder for the cats you are not fond of.
stick… I think Twinkie just wants to annoy.
DCS… spoken like a true cat.
Jack… agreed.
I’ve actually made the bed over the cat, much to my cats dismay.
same here, then laugh my head off watching said cat emerge from under the covers…
squid… so long as you didn’t tuck the edges. Our cat, Sassy prefers to be under the covers… how she breathes is anyone’s guess.
firedome… heee heee. Cats are the darnedest creatures. Meow!