Yep… it’s Murphy’s Law. Whenever you dress to impress, feel overly confident, or get a new man-bag, you are bound to change a flat tire! … or something like that.
Yep… it’s Murphy’s Law. Whenever you dress to impress, feel overly confident, or get a new man-bag, you are bound to change a flat tire! … or something like that.
Well, at least he didn’t run over anyone; otherwise there would be some red stains along with the oil ones.
Payback for Randie’s mishap?
*heh* If Ryan has a “freshly printed manuscript”, then he’s about 15 years behind the times. Having one is all well and good, but these days, many publishers take electronic submissions only. Ryan had better have a dozen or so thumb drives with him.
And remember, Ryan: Single-sided, double-spaced, 1″ margins all around! And start your chapters one-third down the page!
Err… I’ve submitted a few manuscripts the old fashioned way, too.
Oh, SNAP! Been there, done that. And nobody ever gets the opportunity to get a “do-over” on first impressions.
Yah… Pete… Ryan is still in the dark ages… he prefers yellow legal pads and comp books to write in… and his computer situation is a little sad. His laptop is held together with duct tape and his “big computer” is very out-dated. I have had a story (or various stories) about his computer situation in my head/sketchbook for some time… but perhaps it is time to undertake it. After all, he can sorta afford it… if he could cut Randie down to 5 cups a day.
On my way to my interview at Disneyland (a million years ago), my VW bug broke down… I knew exactly what it was… the gas pedal cable broke. I was a few miles from the park… and with the kindness of a few strangers, the bug was pushed to a parking lot and the nicest fella in the world, Sunny, drove me to my interview. Okay, he was a stranger… a very nice stranger… but I got the job…And I didn’t stink for the interview either!.. and my Aunt (Saint Chris) came and picked me up… (this was in the day before cell phones, don’t ya know).
Wait… there was a time before cellphones? *boggle*
D: Poor Ryan! Oh dear, isn’t that always the way?