Yikes! Waterboarding using hot coffee, cold coffee…coffee coffee??? Something you could expect when trying to fall off to sleep after a hardy day of interrogation at a CIA black site but not in your own bed! Randie’s in breathing-mode, not drinking, while asleep and that joe is lung bound.
Wow, I know my cats do this kind of thing, But a stuftie? Thats just cool!
Ha! I love it! Stuffie to the rescue! Although you have it written as “StuffTie” instead of “Stuffie”; was that on purpose?
That’s my kind of coffee maker. I wish I’d seen it before I bought my new Mr. Coffee.
Squid… yah… Harold is a responsible and trusting stufftie…. except in matters of adult beverages.
Pash… yes, StuffTie is, I think, my word.
Yat… You have to train your stufftie pal. Now Granted… Harold doesn’t do this EVERY morning… just when Randie oversleeps.
::gurgle, gurgle, wheeze, wheeze, cough, cough::
“Gotta Breathe! I’m full o’ Latte!”
Yikes! Waterboarding using hot coffee, cold coffee…coffee coffee??? Something you could expect when trying to fall off to sleep after a hardy day of interrogation at a CIA black site but not in your own bed! Randie’s in breathing-mode, not drinking, while asleep and that joe is lung bound.
Stuffed animal coming to life…next thing you know it’s going to tackle her at the front door whenever she gets home!
Harold would only tackle Randie at the door if she really NEEDED him to. He’s a service stufftie, not a self-serving stufftie.
stick… coffee boarding? Ha!
Dada & Jude… do you suppose she’s dreaming? or is this “Real” life?