Fred to the rescue! But this brings up a Potential Downside: Does Randie get to keep the vespid? Otherwise it’ll just be a “work” vehicle. She won’t be able to take it to the art store, run errands, or just take out for a day to enjoy.
Hmmm… hope she realizes this and can work out a solution.
Joe: I’m glad you said that. The REAL Fred (and there is one) is just that …. a problem solver and a leader and a do-er. I had the pleasure of meeting/working with Fred in my retail-Palace Art days. It’s from Fred that I learned to “use all your resources.”
ok, thats just creepy….you totally read my mind again…or I read yours…….. lol
Fred to the rescue! But this brings up a Potential Downside: Does Randie get to keep the vespid? Otherwise it’ll just be a “work” vehicle. She won’t be able to take it to the art store, run errands, or just take out for a day to enjoy.
Hmmm… hope she realizes this and can work out a solution.
A solution to a problem. There’s a leader for ya! Go Fred!
Heather: I KNOW!
Pete: I think things will sink in soon.
Joe: I’m glad you said that. The REAL Fred (and there is one) is just that …. a problem solver and a leader and a do-er. I had the pleasure of meeting/working with Fred in my retail-Palace Art days. It’s from Fred that I learned to “use all your resources.”
I think the sidewalk art show would have been fun 😛
On the down side(Isn’t there always one?), Joe’s cuppa Joe will own the Vespid. If Randie quits, she can’t take the Vespid with her.
On the upside: Randie pays her rent, her loan, and gets to eat. Repairs & upkeep will be on Fred, and Jimmy Chow doesn’t get the Vespid. Win-win.