Family Plan
Four Pfaff sisters and a Mouse… all trying to run a store. All wanting to input their ideas and do things how they see fit… it could get hairy.
Four Pfaff sisters and a Mouse… all trying to run a store. All wanting to input their ideas and do things how they see fit… it could get hairy.
Management by committee. Meetings, votes, assigned studies, and more of the same. He should let each partner run their own section so long as they bring in enough money to cover the bottom line.
Has Midge been reading the comments?
As long as Mouse puts his foot down and insists on how it should be done, it’ll all turn out just fine. Wait… oh, yeah.
So how exactly do you pronounce Pfaff? Are either the P or F silent? Or is it a trip-hammer pronunciation, with the PF sounding together?
Oy… famous last words… “What could go wrong?”
But is it Mouse’s place to put his foot down? The problem in family owned businesses is that is everybody is in charge, so nobody is…Who has the final say? The oldest? The smartest? This is such a ticklish situation.
Also, I think the P is silent. “Faff”
stick… I’m sure there is some sort of “pie” reference that Maggie (Mouse’s Mah) would use.
Beetles… There is sort of a tape delay on comments… in that these toons were done a month ago… so….no.
Pete… see Jude’s comment and it rhymes with “staff.” So the Pfaff staff …
Pashameow… faMOUSE.
Jude… Ticklish, indeed. But who will get the last Pfaff laugh? I think Mouse will. Take that, GRACE!
If not for Jude’s comment, I was going to mention that “pf” in Pfaff is pronounced the same as in “pferd” (German for horse).
Who gets the final word? The one that’s there all the time. The aunts will come in now and then and make suggestions/give orders, but Mouse will be the one doing it or not. . . if he isn’t too Mousy.
Beetle… Pferd? is a brainy horse a Nerd Pferd?
Deja… Mousey Mouse… he is kinda non-stand up-itive. But… I feel he may be turning over a new leaf and taking some initiative… he could finally be growing up (and growing a pa….never mind).
I think Pferd Geek would be pre-Pferd.