I’ve mentioned Portland’s Voodoo Doughnuts before… San Jose has Psycho Donuts… Squid Row (Cypress City) has Dynamite Donuts! Ka-BOOM!
Soooo… what’s your favorite donut?
I had to actually keep this cartoon in the bucket for a while as I’d created it just before the time of the Boston bombings… and felt it was insensitive to run it around that time.
Bacon on a doughnut. That is siiiiiick. I like bacon, but it really makes me queasy some of the things it is being mixed with lately. Denny’s is serving maple bacon shakes, brownies with bacon on them …
erp …
Oh man, shouldn’t have thought about those ::gags:: ok, I’m gonna go lie down for a bit … oh boy, stay down dinner, enchiladas only taste good on the way down …
Boston Creme.
As I get older I am a fan of just the plain cake, or chocolate. I love donuts but every bite I take I see Wilfred Brimley and his diabetes testing supplies.
Grey… I cannot say that I dig the bacon donut connection either. But many say its…. Da Bomb. Wah-wah.
Mary… ooo, creamy center filling.
Jack… Ha! yah… I don’t do donuts very often (they are a treat), but when I do… yellow cake donut with sprinkles!
Donuts with Ipecacs in them: an “Ecch-clair”!
Apple Fritters for me. If I’m at Krispy Kreme I go for the jelly filled.
I like the oldfashend or the cake donut, but some of the best donut’s to be had in Seattle are from the Pike Place Market mini donut cart. They are two bite donuts sold by the dozen in small brown paper bags and they are to die for no matter how you get them, i.e. with powdered sugar, sprinkles, cinnamon and sugar, etc…
Sour cream glazed for me, please.
Well… okay, one Boston cream, but the rest sour cream.
The Auld Grump – now if they made a ginger doughnut with sour cream glaze….
[smacks Dada with the “oh no you DIDN’T” pillow]
Alright… I asked for it… and now I want donuts! Dang it!
There’s a place in San Fran that does these Froo-froo donuts… Foodie type donuts… with high end ingredients… worth a visit I think. But not right now.
Grump… yours sounds like it might be in that category!
Grey… we’ll BOTH SMACK HIM!
Pash… cinnamon makes me happy… really.
JC… apple …. fritters…. mmmm.
A nice game of Doughnuts & Dragons? Doing battle with a carrion cruller?
The Auld Grump
Love me some Psycho Donuts! I’m torn between the Jekyll and Hyde or Nutella the Hun being my favorites on a day to day basis.